Tension amongst Friends

460 29 16

Ultimate Chaos Chat

Scott: normally, I don't asked

Scott: but why is Wels avoiding Jevin like he's a parasite?

Dream: it's painful to watch actually

Dream: like

Dream: really painful

Tommy: did they fight or something?????

Tommy: I can't see them doing that at all

Grian: you know

Grian: your right

Grian: it's weird

Philza: it's so awkward to watch them at this point

Scar: it's been 2 weeks ;-;

Scar: I had thought it be over by the end of the first week, but clearly I am very much wrong

Hels: by the grace of chaos


Hels: he haven't left Helscraft since the fight and cuz of the mandatory attendance to the meet up

Ranboo: it's been going on for that long?

Tubbo: dunno wats worst

Tubbo: lore or this

Ranboo: lore

Tommy: lore

Dream: definitely lore

Tubbo: fair enough

Scott: if this keeps up it's gonna get even worst

Mumbo: yeah

Mumbo: Jevin did listen to his wishes but now he's desperate for an answer

NPG: how can he not?

NPG: his best friend just suddenly refuses to speak with him, even go as far as literally blocked him from all communication and avoid

Grian: Okay

Grian: I was not aware of that at all 

Xisuma: this is getting ridiculous

Xisuma: I have an idea and I need to run it by you first Grian 

EX: X with a plan is sometimes not a good thing 

Etho: Just like how X having no plan is also a disaster 

EX: still can't believe how destruction that caused

Xisuma: Can we not?

EX: Fine -.-"

Grian: Farewell ultimate chaotic chat, may we see you again the next time this fanfic ever needs it again which I doubt

Scott: ????

Ranboo: I keep forgetting we're mostly fictional characters

Scott: Ranboo, pls stop 

Tommy: Imagine, majority of us fell from grace honestly 

Tommy: Which, somehow, isn't a surprised, heard stuff happened again 

Scott: Just leave 

Grian: Yeah, let's just go 


Secret Chat

Hels: that is the worst idea I ever saw

Dadsuma: It's a good idea tho 

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