Dadsuma adventure in Hermitangst Pt. 2

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Xisuma sighs in relief as he had managed to escaped from Wels... After spending a week being trapped in his castle. Doing self care-- not that he's upset or anything. Now what he did expected is chaos, but not the Watchers sitting in his empty bedroom.

Looking at him all innocently. With a portal.

Xisuma did not bothered to resist when they pushed him into a portal, again.


World: Sun Mortality
Server: Hermitcraft
Category: Hermit Angst

Main Chat

Void Prince joined the server

Void Prince: smh

Void Prince: is this going to be my name every time I visit a new world or something?

Void Prince: Oh, why hello there!

Void Prince: My dear counterpart, what season is this? I know I know, I'm wearing a bubble

Xisuma: uh...

Xisuma: weird...

Void Prince: I'm stuck here for about 24 hours

Void Prince: . . .

Void Prince: Nvm, I've been told I'm stuck here for a week

Void Prince: get used to my presence for the time being

Cub: you make it sound like this happened before?

Cleo: and why you specifically

Scar: what's with the name?

Scar: ur Xisuma, but with a fancy look?

Void Prince: cuz I am a actual Prince

Mumbo; Prince of what?

Void Prince: the Watchers

Void Prince: speaking of watchers, what are they like here?

Pearl: they're loyal servants of Grian, which he created by pure accident honestly

Void Prince: ah, something nice, okay

Void Prince: what's Grian position here?

Cub: um...

Xisuma: why are you asking these questions?

Void Prince: I'm asking the more notable difference, it mostly involves Grian, oddly enough

Doc: Really?

Doc: somehow, not surprising, he did made Hermitcraft so very lively since season 6

Scar: true!

Scar: he's the server beloved sun

Void Prince: Grian literally mean Sun, which makes a lot of sense in regards to his presence being akin to that of the sun

Pearl: that..

Pearl: wow, I didn't know that

Scar: O.O

Xisuma: so uh, where would you like to stay at?

Xisuma: since this is, uh, season 9 by the way

Void Prince: Can I stay in Grian Starter base?

Xisuma: um... Sure

Xisuma: he doesn't mind, even if he's uh, away for a little while

Void Prince: away?

Scar: he's visiting some friends is all

Scar: the Evolutionist? I think they call them?

Void Prince: I half expected the life games

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