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Jevin is online

Jevin: hey guys I have a question

Xisuma is online

Hels is online

Hels: wot da question?

Jevin: wats fan fictions?

Hels: ...

Xisuma: uhh

Xisuma: where did he less  that from?

Jevin: Joe mentioned it, same with Tango and Ren


Xisuma: never looked it up


Jevin: I think thats too late

Hels: jevin..

Hels: wat did u read?

Jevin: lots of Grian angst, which btw is painful

Jevin: a few stuff on me and Well

Hels: ha

Jevin: which isn't much honestly, I like our dynamic of being best friends.

Jevin: but like there was also stories of Dadsuma

Xisuma: me? A dad?

Xisuma: makes sense, I am the unofficial father to the hermits

Jevin: there was a very few stories of Grian being that mom

Xisuma: O

Xisuma: uh

Hels: Grian?????

Hels: a mom????

Hels: actually

Hels: would make sense if he was a very angwy birb

Grian is online

Grian: speaking bout fan fictions and me?

Grian: just so u know, alternative universe also happens to be like fan fictions to us

Xisuma: what

Grian: O and btw, get on my bad side and I might ripped ur very existence to dust :D

Hels: there's the threats

Xisuma: uhh

Xisuma: I can see y he would angry

Xisuma: an angry over protective mother birb

Mumbo is online

Mumbo: guys, I seen Grian kill before, u haven't even heard his laughter

Hels: O xelqua

Xisuma: be afraid?

Jevin: O I heard it once, I thought it was a nightmare

Grian: naw

Grian: sorry jevin I was doing a bit of practice if I ever get a multi kill in MCC ;^

Grian: which I did before :D

Hels: damn

Hels: uh

Hels: so like

Xisuma: how much can u do when very very angry?

Grian: that me to know and u guys to learn :D

Mumbo: when we ever get to inevitably talk about 3rd and Last life u all will understand

Xisuma: again wat r they?

Jevin: ????

Hels: even I'm puzzled

Grian: just

Grian: something the Watchers absolutely loved

Grian: u have no idea how terrifying they can be...

Grian: not as terrifying as Dreams Stans, but still

Mumbo: yea...

Mumbo: also who winning the bet?

Xisuma: what bet

Hels: huh

Jevin: I am >:)

Scar is online

Scar: not for long Mr. Blue slime

Jevin: whatever you say Vex

Scar: :)

Jevin: :)

EX is online



Scar: I Can already taste victory!

Grian: who r u guys betting on anyways?

Scar: that's 4 us to know

Xisuma: ????

Mumbo: is it NPG and Hels?

Hels: excuse me?

Scar: how did u know?

EX: bruh

Jevin: we been exposed

Grian: ._.

Grian: whoever loses gotta do what the loser must do

Hels: BRUH

Scar: :0

Jevin: sounds like fun lol

Xisuma: u guys confused me so much

Grian: they can be at times

Grian: anyways u guys have fun with the whole betting stuff

Grian: Jevin, I'mma need ur help with something

Jevin: ?

Jevin: need help with wat?

Grian: :)

Grian: pranks :D

Jevin: :0

Jevin: >:)

Xisuma: O xelqua

Xisuma: dis ain't good

Grian: ;)

Mumbo: back to hiding in my vault I go

And they all proceed to go about their day and uhh, chaos get to happen while xisuma got to witness it while he starts building his base.

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