Helsians God + stories

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Welcome to the Helsians Chat

EX is online

Hels is online

Badtws is online

Xisuma is online

Xisuma: y am I here

Hels: cuz we want u here

Badtws: Xisuma

Badtws: do u praise our Lord and savior Xelqua.?

Xisuma: I do pray to Xelqua

Badtws: good

Badtws: anyways u guys think it's time we give Grian the helsians style corporation?

Hels: y?

Badtws: yes

Xisuma: ???

EX: Grian ain't gonna be please u know

EX: then again he's scary when angry

EX: but O well

Mechanic is online

Xisuma: who?

Hels: our world mumbo

Hels: steam punk villain that gives off vilkainy vibe and formal vibe

Hels: he rarely chat tho

Xisuma: ._.

Mechanic: so, ur Xisumavoid?

Xisuma: yes

Mechanic: already interesting

Mechanic: anyways

Mechanic: wat this bout our leader coronation?

Hels: again, is it rlly necessary?

EX: yes?

Hels: I sense a lie

EX: ehhh

Xisuma: how Is Grian u guys leader??

Hels: he dethroned me

Hels: and also dethrone the old rulers in this place, which btw were bunch of bitches

Xisuma: so, bad rulers, Grian did a hostile took over, dethroned u and what else?

EX: don't forget the fact Grian can freely jump between world cuz of the rift he founded

Xisuma: excuse me wat

Hels: wot

Mechanic: Huh???

Mechanic: What rift?

Badtws: I think it's the rift he asked us to monitor very closely due to how the 1 in our world seems unstabled

Hels: fr?

Xisuma: how r we now learning this?

Hels: idk

EX: u know

EX: Grian is a amazing ruler

EX: our own personal custom weapon we can make that fit for ourselves and that he enchanted personally himself

EX: a decent life that ain't only blood shed from creatures of the void corruption hunting us

EX: and also to break the rumors that people like to say that we're bunch of killers even though we ourselves r still players ya know

Hels: yeah, we have our own morals, plus

Hels: I hate those things

Hels: nearly gotten killed by them so many times

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