Pantheons [WIP]

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The gods pantheons.

Many spoken of it, deemed it worthy to praise, but not many ever told how the gods ever came to be part of the pantheons. Nor did anyone ever told how it first came to be. Minecraftia didn't always have gods and divines before, it was all simply just something the players and mobs have all created in their lonesome days. After all, in the beginning, there was only just the First Player.

The First Player, not much is actually known about who they are. In fact, any records of them have ever been destroyed, lost or overwritten with lies. It's not easy to find any of the true records, but some does try to keep it in existence. Safe to say, just trying to find anything is difficult. So instead, what will be written is what is known of the current Pantheons and what remains of the former. 

The Original Gods

No one is exactly sure who they were anymore, the people of Ardonia speak of the white eye god. They dared not utter his name for fear that they would hunt them down, legends and myths exists around them. Said that he is the first, the first god to ever be feared in all recorded knowledge.  Thankfully, there is more to the white eyes god then what the Overworld can ever provides. For the nether speak of such god with reverence and praises. 

The Myth, Lord Herobrine

The White Eyed God, the first known horror to the very realms that connects to Minecraftia. No one is actually sure where they had come from or why they had existed for so long. 

It is often best to leave anything regarding the myth to that of a myth or risk the chances of being hunted down.

The First Minecraftian

The first, no one was actually sure who they were at first, but many ancient tales depict him as the first player. The first and true Minecraftian. Some say he's a adventurer, others says he's a miner, most say they look exactly like 


The writer jolt in surprise upon hearing their communicator goes off, confused, they picked it up and look at the notifications, laughing quite a bit at the silly things he's reading, it always brings them joy to know he's part of the chat, despite not being able to speak in it all that often or at all really.

Well, no, that's a lie, they could technically speak in the chat, but they don't really bother to do so all that much. Sure Grian had been a wonderful to them in letting them experience the world beyond what he lives in, but they weren't exactly sure they could ever dare socialized. Well, socialized as much as someone like them could ever do anyways.

Maybe he should check up on the chat...


Secret chat

Grian: It's been days since the first anniversary!

Grian: Can't believe we missed it :((((

Xisuma: To be fair, we have been super duper busy to take noticed

Jevin: I remembered the first time I joined here

Jevin: utter chaos

Wels: Ikr

Hels: I remember getting hunted and unloved



EX: By me <3

Hels: Love you too <3

NPG: This place is practically a found family at this point

Grian: Ikr

Tango: :^

Tango: This place is a lot more entertaining then any of us first expected honestly 

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