Casual Conversations?

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In the Welcome to Chaos chat...

Hels: Brother

Hels: answer me

Hels: where the slime boi so I can murder

Jevin: y do u want to murder me?

Hels: 4 dating my brother

Wels: me and Jevin aren't dating tho?


Hels: wait I thought u 2 genuinely r dating

Wels: wat in Xelqua name is wrong with u

Hels: y do u hate me?

Wels: ur literally an asshole of a clone

Hels: O rite

Hels: forgot sometimes

EX: how do u forget?

Hels: I just do ok

Hels: I'm not like u who have a loving brother that cares :(

EX: but-

EX: u have me that care?


Hels: r u confessing or-

EX: wat?

Jevin: I'm sorry Hels but u been friend zoned

Hels: damn it

EX: ?????

Scar: this is a lovely conversation to watch

Scar: also

Scar: does anyone know y X is wearing a fishbowl thingy?

Hels: the thing that looks like a bubble where u can't see into?

Hels: yea

Hels: idk

EX: I robbed him cuz I got bored

EX: it's funny ngl

Jevin: that explains y he asked 4 a lot of amethyst shards

Wels: rite...

Wels: I'm gonna go to Grian 4 a nap

Scar: y r u going to grian 4 that?

Wels: he had been kind enough to let me nap under his supervision after the accident that happened with a cursed coma that was place on me?

Scar: right- almost forgot about that unfortunate event- still devastating to remember

Scar: but I understand now, Grian was honestly the 1 who was quick to realized something wasn't right

Wels: and he was the only other Avian on the server at the time too

Jevin: Still wonder who put that cursed

Hels: honestly, me too, even I'm baffled

Hels: I swear to Xelqua and Domrao, I'll make those fools that harmed Wels (I'm the only 1 that's allowed to) a painful death

Xisuma: what is happening here?

Jevin: ehh

Jevin: casual conversations

Jevin: it started with Hels threatening to kill me tho

Scar: he have to be protective of his family so it was only fair he threatens u Jevin

Jevin: :(

EX: I'm quite puzzled by what they had meant by me friend zoning Hels

Hels: :'(

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