Admins meeting + Grian

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Secret chat

Grian: alrite kids

Grian: me and Xisumyboi gonna go to a meeting

Grian: don't burned down the server

Hels: You put too much faith in us

Wels: I'm incline to agree

Wels: You guys really do honestly

Mumbo; We promise not to burn down the server :D

Xisuma: that's exactly what I'm afraid of

Jevin: let's be honest, we would probably anyways

Jevin; plus there's the whole, ya know, button stuff, TCG and all

Grian; Just, try not to

Grian; I'm actually tired of fixing up so much damages to the codes, the kinds that Xisuma can't fix on his own

Grian; or the creeping void

Xisuma; ( '~`)

Xisuma: Its scary how that came to be honestly

Xisuma: anyways, I'm most likely going to have a existential crisis, but cultural edition at the meeting

EX: (눈‸눈)

EX: If you do, I'm not helping you

EX: seeing as everyone still thinks I'm imprisoned in the void

Grian: My domain with so many other gods :D

EX: exactly

Xisuma; regardless, just don't do anymore crimes while we're away

Jevin: Haha, we'll try

Tango: Can't be stopped but sure we'll try

Mumbo: But anyways, good luck you guys :D 

Grian: thanks Mumbo :) 

Xisuma: ^w^ 


"You didn't have to tag along, Grian." Xisuma commented as he walked down the halls of the Admins meeting rooms, but alas, Grian waved off his question. "Relax Xoomies, It's been so long since I went to a meeting, I'm a little curious to see if anyone new had taken position or if there's anything of interest." He answered with a smirk gracing his face, much to Xisuma exasperation. He knows that smirk just means Grian would like to commit chaos when it's needed or...

Play the scary role of being a responsible person.

Yet, no matter how much Xisuma tried to stopped him, well, Grian always ends up following. "And is there any other particular reasons you want to joined?" He asked cautiously, eyeing the smirk on his face that suddenly grew sinister. "I haven't missed all the times you came back to the server looking scared and in great despair from each meetings, I, for one, want to know what exactly is happening so I can accordingly." He explained as they eventually reached the doors leading to the meeting room. 

Xisuma supposed he shouldn't be surprised anymore, but here he is, surprised again. 

He should really stopped underestimating Grian at this point. 

"Now let's go! It would be rude to keep them waiting any longer." Grian casually commented as he goes to enter the room, Xisuma just sigh in response and followed. Not realizing that this meeting, would a meeting that would make him want to cry for a whole week. 


He should learn to not jinx it, in fact, he really shouldn't be this upset, he knew, that eventually one day, the councilors would learned that he is a Voidwalker, one that is to be feared and revered to as myths and tales by the players themselves. Servants of Lord Xelqua and the Leader of the Watcher Pantheons. Yet, what he never expected was that there would be a vote for his Admins License to be stripped away. 

Unauthorized Time travel? He never did that, in fact it was Grian and considering who Grian is, he had permission to do it regardless. Unsafe dimensional rift between servers? Again, that's a agreed thing between him and Fwhip and it was very much safe, thank you very much. Being a Voidwalker? Major red flags for the councils apparently! Constantly breaking reality without a care, now that's just Doc and no one bothers to go against him out of fear. 

But no, what took the cake for him to get his License taken away...

Was the false accusation of him keeping all of his players in the server against their will, which is one hundred percent incorrect considering he seek out those that wanted to escape their past. Maybe it's all the horrible rumors that the players had spoken of about his species. He wasn't even sure, he was too numb to do anything about it, really. He knows he's being comforted by Grian, he knows that Scott, Fwhip, Jimmy, Noxite and Dream are arguing against the others about the false accusations. 

He wondered why anyone would do this to him, being a Admin was something he had always wanted to be, not because his god, which is Grian, had wanted, but something he himself genuinely wanted for as long as he could remember. 

"Grian, old friend, how can you side with the Voidwalkers? From the reports we have been receiving for years, it's for the best that the Voidwalkers are never to be trusted as Admins." One of the admins councilors questioned, yet Grian just growled, unfurling his wings that was once around Xisuma and handed said person over to Scott and Jimmy who did their best to console the poor admin. Some of the older admins cowered, why the rest that went against them stand their grounds. 

"I do not know what had happened to cause this much change, the Councils of Admins I once knew were all benevolent beings, yet here I see before me are cowardly fools!" Grian lashed out with anger, from their, they continued to argued. The Admins that are friends with him took a step back and do their best to keep Xisuma away from the conflict. Until at last, Grian patience finally snapped. 

"Your just scared of the Voidwalkers I chose to take under my wings, under MY protections, isn't it? Afraid that they would one day become far more powerful than you admins?" Grian growled in anger as he change into his watcher form, Dream winced at the sight of so many eyes of angry being trained on the opposing admins, Jimmy nervously chuckles while the others just felt pity. "Oh and just so you pitiful fools know, it was you players fault for driving the voidwalkers that helped keep the Void itself stabled, otherwise it would have killed you all."

Well, they can't say they didn't stopped the fools from their friendly Watcher God. 

On the other hand, Xisuma will cry even more later and get a cultural crisis. 


Grian: and that's exactly what happened

Scar: wow...

Scar: Good thing we talked about it in the secret chat

EX: Well, X is still dealing with all this so...yeah

EX: What do we do next?

Grian: Dunno, we still got the party to planned


Tango: Well, that's what we will focus on next :D

EX: Fair enough 


Wow, a lot of stuff happened here. Who would have thought, Grian is a angry god that probably already took over the Admins Councils and replaced all the fools with better and nicer admins. 

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