Hermits Gods are concern

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Hermits God Chat...

Domrao: y is this called Hermits God chat again?

Joe: cuz all of us literally live like actual hermits

Joe: which btw is ironic cuz me and TFC and Grian r on Hermitcraft

Domrao: I'm still stuck in Grian Basement

Domrao: like

Domrao: pls let me out

Grian/Xelqua: nah

Grian/Xelqua: stay in the basement, ur punishment ain't over yet

Domrao: dude

Domrao: u legit just took me out of the nether and yeeted me into the basement a cuz I ate ur cake

Grian/Xelqua: exactly

Grian/Xelqua: my special cake

Domrao: y is it so special hm?

Grian/Xelqua: it was from Charles

Domrao: O

Domrao: woops-

Joe: Well that's just sad haha

Joe: anyways

Joe: why is Xisuma and EX so painfully oblivious?

Joe: cuz like, even Jevin caught on and he even implied the confirmation in the chat 4 Xisuma to see

Grian/Xelqua: I don't know

Grian/xelqua: either something is preventing him from accepting the truth or he just that oblivious 4 wat ever reason

Domrao: imagine a universe where Grian and EX r twins and Xisuma that unfortunate older brother that's so very exhausted that he just had to deal with their bull crap

Joe: shhh

Joe: let the audience enjoy the concept another time

Joe: cause I still want a medieval love story with Jevin and Wels

Grian/Xelqua: dude, platonic

Joe: We're not trapped in a single concept sir, we r fictional characters and the respectful wishes of the creators to create stories

Grian/Xelqua: ???????

Domrao: Dude ur weirdness showing

Domrao: like, come on man, no one want to hear it from u today

Joe: fine :(

TFC: this is probably y I don't even bother reading this chat anymore

Grian/Xelqua: hello chief Tinfoil

TFC: hello to u to Grian

Grian/Xelqua: I'm assuming u also noticed the twins oblivious?

TFC: I find it quite suspicious honestly, especially since I once over heard Xisuma go on about bonemeal nutritional value

TFC: I can't say I'm please to hear it

Joe: I'll me honest, I seen that derp eat it and it was weird

Joe: I get that he's the Bonemage this season, but like, still unnerves me, but not as much as the entity and rift creepiness

Grian/Xelqua: I should rlly build my lab, I'm starting to think it's the rift 4 causing the strange occurrences

Grian/ Xelqua: minus the whole hermatrix thing with Renbob and friends

Joe: and ur the one to say that I should stop >:/

Grian/Xelqua: haha

Grian/Xelqua: but srsly, it's strange like

Grian/Xelqua: I event told X that I'm Xelqua and he didn't even bat an eye!

TFC: that is strange...

TFC: any other strange actions from them?

Joe: I saw Hels kissing EX

Grian/Xelqua: HOLD UP WAT?!

TFC: Oh my!



Joe: It was so funny cuz they were kissing in the nether and in the distance I'm pretty sure I saw Wels holding Xisuma back from murdering lol

Joe: hilarious I must say, it was ever so unexpected after all

Grian/Xelqua: Damn, what next? Wels and Jevin finally admit?

Joe: where did the platonic relationship u wanted?

Grian/Xelqua: I keep forgetting we're fictional characters ok

TFC: I can kinda see y u would forget

Grian/ Xelqua: being a watcher got them down side :(

Joe: sucks to be u haha

Joe: I'm the spooky Herobrine 👀

TFC: u guys do know that Grian first watchers....

Grian/Xelqua: I gave up on stopping me them awhile ago

Domrao: reasonable

Domrao: so about the tea spilling...

Joe: I got more info :D

Grian/Xelqua: tell us >:D

TFC: ^^^

Joe: ok say like-


And Joe proceeds to tell them all more about the whole event with Hels kissing EX who most likely accepted Hels feelings. Xisuma is that over protective brother who wants to murder and Wels is done with their bullshit at this point.

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