Family Dynamic

315 15 7

Secret Chat

Mumbo: you know what I never thought about

Doc: why most of the Xisuma AU involves Grian as a parental figure or a sibling or a God or adopted as X child?

Mumbo: not what I was thinking, but that's a very good point

Mumbo; although the whole X adopting Grian works on everyone

Doc: nope

Doc: just in Grian specifically

Doc: don't deny it

Scar: he's not wrong

Scar: anyways

Scar: wassup :D

Doc: Hello Scar

NPG: why is this chapter about family dynamics?

NPG: we already have some established and universally known dynamics

Hels: Me and Wels are siblings, clones, mutually wanna kill each other

EX: smh

EX: u guys need more therapy in terms of family relation

Wels: I never got help for my fear of abandonment

Wels: or the numerous other issues

Dadsuma: what

Dadsuma: Wels

Wels: no

Hels: but...

Wels: don't bother

Wels: srsly

Wels: don't bother

Scar: I'm calling Cub

Wels: >:l

Scar: you can't escape the therapist

Zedaph: or us!

Zedaph: we will catch you my friend :)

Wels: oh well

Wels is offline

Dadsuma: wwndsmxnwixnden


Hels: how tf

Hels: I have so many questions

Doc: as always, we will never get an answer

Doc: this is Wels we're talking about after all

Grian: even I wouldn't pull that trick and you guys would literally destroy the multi verse just to get me home

Dadsuma: that's cause we love you :D

Scar: yeah! :D!

Scar: we love you so much that we will kill gods for you :)

Grian: save the possessiveness to the Possessive AU

Mumbo: those exist...?

Zedaph: at this point, anything exist, we just gotta learn to avoid it like it doesn't

Zedaph: otherwise we will never cope with our existence due to such cursed knowledge

Joe: Exactly!

Joe: Tumblr can be terrifying tho

Joe: not as horribly as Twitter

Joe: it's why I always visit the really nice side of those places!

Grian: I think Charles mentioned leaving a pinned tweet as a note to self reminder that there's better things to do than scrolling through social media

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