High School

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Chaotic Chat


Grian: It's called a yearbook and I hate it

Mumbo: is it cuz it had the bunny?

Grian: yeah

Grian: but like I was tryna find my college year book and my degree in biology cuz some of the hermits thinks I'm joking

Etho: can't imagine

Etho: ...

Etho: wait you major in biology?

Grian: Yes

Grian: Why is that so surprising? Y'all thought I major in architecture?

Xisuma: Maybe

Mumbo: to be fair

Mumbo: what we major in differs with what we do for a living

Mumbo: and I'm someone that does filming and photography

Scar: Never knew that

Xisuma: and then there's me with music

Xisuma: but anyways, the yearbook?

Grian: it's ugly

Grian: I missed the days where I didn't need glasses

Jevin: don't those break often cuz of the amount of times you fly?

Grian: sadly

Wels: dude

Wels: you could have like, gotten specialized safety goggles with prescription

NPG: that's very smart

Wels: ikr?

Wels: anyways didn't Etho go to the same high school as you?

Etho: I got stories

Etho: they're not that bad

Grian: lucky

Grian; took me a long time to stop looking at rabbits with fear, but I still don't like white rabbits

Grian: they're always up to something...

Scar: your still scared cuz one of the white rabbits we found nearly made you fell off the ledge of a building

Grian: Scar, we don't speak of that horrid time

Xisuma: Why...?

Grian: Idk and I rather not talk about it

Scar: :)

Mumbo: So, back to the main topic at hands please?

Grian: Right, so, Etho you have your year book?

Etho: Yep, want me to show a photo of me in like, the first year of high school and then the last year?

Scar: absolutely

Scar: and suddenly I'm reminded that the Yearbook trend exist

Grian; wot

Xisuma: Interesting in its own ways I suppose

Etho: Guys, there's a problem

Scar: Wot?

Etho: The book is missing D:

Etho: Which is weird cuz I am pretty sure it should be with my other books

Tango: So like, it poof

Tango: Just like any sense of normalcy once a war starts

Grian: You all appreciates my chaotic war

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