
431 21 27

Chaos Chat


Grian: LET'S GO


Mumbo; yay!

Hels: you guys are gonna have a lot of chaotic fun this Saturday lol

Wels: I was hoping to sleep

Wels: maybe

Jevin: heard we got 2 new members

Jevin: gonna tell us who it is Xisuma?

Dadsuma: nope

Dadsuma: that's a massive surprised

Grian: everyone is speculating it being Joel and Skizz

Grian: I just can't wait so I could put them into the pain that is known as chaos and pranks

Dadsuma: will you finally do a war?

Mumbo: wasn't the buttercups enough?

Wels: no, that was more of just neighbors having a fight and you guys help for a bit cuz its hilarious

Mumbo: I still can't believe Iskall showed up just to place dirt

Dadsuma: fair enough

Dadsuma: but I still won't answer who the new hermits are

Grian: let's hope they're good enough to join this chat

NPG: I highly doubt it unless it is who we think it is

Dadsuma: I can't deny nor confirm who it is honestly

Wels: As much as I'm excited, Vault Hunters came to a close today 

Jevin: It was fun while it lasted

Joe: entertaining too

Joe: Wels you been uploading more videos as of late due to Vault Hunters

Wels: Ik 

Wels: I just work at my own pace nowadays 

Grian: Imagine, I've been invading people streams pretty often nowadays

Grian: Quite entertaining really 

Tango: Really

Tango: I thought you went on vacation again

Grian: Perhaps

Grian: Then again Timmy challenged me to a cook off so like

Scar: FOOD?


Mumbo: why are you so interested in food all of a sudden?

Scar: Cuz I can and will

Joe: I don't think we tried Grian cooking, right???

Grian: Idk 

Grian: I think in one of the past chapters, someone made soup

Scar: that was me 

Scar: I made soup cuz some hermits got sick

Dadsuma: Oh!

Dadsuma: I remember that 

Keralis: when was this

Dadsuma: the uh 

Dadsuma: I think this was around Grian being turned into a baby?

Grian: that was the last time I trusted Chrysanthem to make any potions 

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