Alan the Warden + Some concerns

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In the secret chat...

Scar: Guys I think Alan the warden is upset

NPG: wat makes u say that?

Scar: been stomping in his little room 4 quite awhile :(

Scar: and constantly kills me

Scar: I wasn't even close enough 4 him to see me either!

NPG: that's a tad bit odd

Scar: ik :(

Tango: didn't Grian dared Impulse into putting 3 wardens and naming them silence in 3 different bases?

Scar: yea

Scar: Alan was 1 of them :/

Tango: huh, okay then

Tango: is this chat normally this silent?

Scar: occasionally

Scar: the helsians chat is worst

Tango: y?

NPG: Nerf war or something

NPG: idk, it could have been golf too honestly

Tango; Golf-?

NPG: they can be odd some times

Scar: yea, which is funny cuz Badtws tells me blackmail that y'all don't have

NPG: excuse me?

Tango: fr???

Scar: yes

Scar: but srsly

Scar: idk what's wrong with Alan D:

Scar: do I need to make them a proper home?

NPG: probably

Tango: night have to

Tango: unlike all of us, Alan was quite literally tricked into leaving their underground home :/

Scar: fair

Scar: tbh I never expected Alan to live at my base that's still a wip

Tango: yea

Tango: also does anyone know how Xisuma feeling? Been almost a couple days now and no 1 seen him

NPG: I believe EX had told me that he's still processing everything and also taking a long rest cuz not only did that strange memory block finally made him realized many things, it had also left him "delicate" so to speak

Scar: that's not very good D:

Tango: it definitely wasn't

Tango: who knows how long he had that memory blocker for!

Tango: could have been weeks to months!

Scar: actually

Scar: I noticed something pretty odd recently

Tango: ? What?

NPG: ?

Scar: a day or 2 after Xisuma learned the truth and had that religious crisis on the ground

Scar: Grian base had been... Giving off pulses of magic... Like a beating heart...

Scar: which probably started Alan restlessness too

NPG: that's.... Creepy...

Tango: yea...

Scar: it rlly is, but Grian theme 4 this season is nostalgic I think

Scar: seeing as I saw a lot of familiar things at his base

NPG: strange...

Tango: (눈‸눈)

Tango: I have a bad feeling something is going to go horribly wrong this season

Scar: yea

NPG: ...

Tango: ...

Scar: ...

Scar: halp, I think Alan is staring at me

Scar: since I just got them outside their little room

Tango: Scar

Scar: yes?

Tango: wardens r mostly blind in the light

Tango: and rely heavily on sounds and smell

Scar: O

Scar: no wonder Alan is under the shade

Scar: uh

Scar: it took all my deep dark related stuff- and just went back to their building with their room

Scar: guess I'll go build a sculk building just 4 them

Scar: leading underground :D

NPC: whatever u say Scar ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

Tango: have fun ig? :D?

Scar: hahah

Scar: I wonder if it would ever be possible to communicate with wardens tho  ._.

Tango: 1 day buddy, 1 day

Scar: yea

Sooo, Scar did went off to planning stuff to help Alan the warden be comfortable and all since they're on the surface after all. Tango went about their day as normal. NPG visits the X brothers very often since Grian couldn't, mainly to make sure they're at the very least still alive and all.

Good to see that Xisuma is taking time to rest... And eat stuff that's just not retextured bread that looks like bonemeal... We know the truth X. You still can't eat bonemeal everyday regardless.

Author note: Oh and it's like... What? 1:35am? :D?

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