A magical memory block??

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In the hermitcraft chat...

Rentheking: Scar, uh, I have an issue

Scar is online

Scar: wat issue??

Rentheking: u know how Grian invites people specifically to the, uh, chat?

Scar: Yes?

Scar: y?

Scar: did something happened cuz if so, ur asking the wrong person 4 help :l

Rentheking: Haha...wdym

Xisuma is online

Pearl is online

Pearl: Grian went off world 4 some reason

Xisuma: Pretty much

Xisuma: Also Scar?

Scar: Ye?

Xisuma: I realized somethings

Xisuma: I need u to uh, give me a magical check up or somethin

Scar: Well if that's just concerning, sure I'll fly over to ur place :P

Xisuma: thanks

Pearl: ._.?

Pearl: wat's going on?

Rentheking: ^^^^

Scar: Idk :D

Xisuma: Just, felt like something is off is all

Xisuma: nothing to bad at least

Pearl: Uh huh

Pearl: I find that hard to believe honestly

Rentheking: Same

Rentheking: I'm a bit surprised that this chat was quiet for most of the day tho

Pearl: O yea that is a bit surprising

Pearl: this chat is always so active

Pearl: wonder y it's silent

Scar: It could be just cuz Grian is off world and not causng mischief as usual

Scar: Caught*

Scar: Cat*

Scar: causing*


Scar: Autocorrect is so very mean to me :'( 

Rentheking: Autocorrect is mean to everyone scar

Scar: Ik, I hate it sometimes >:l

Xisuma: ._.

Xisuma: u should have seen all the times it autocorrected Grian names

Pearl: List it all >:)

Rentheking: I wanna know :D

Tango is online

Tango: I wanna know too :D

Scar; :D?

Xisuma: Alright, there's:

Xisuma: Grian, Grain, Grass, Brian, Green


Xisuma: that's all I got when I type Grian name

Rentheking: Hmm, Grass, that's new

Scar: Yea that is

Scar: anyways, I see ya soon X :D

Scar is offline

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