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Chaotic secret chat

Grian: someone chose the nether

Tango: what?

Grian; what do y'all know bout alchemy?

Wels: You mean brewing?

Mumbo: ^^^

Scar: I'm sitting next to Grian and he suddenly looks ready to genuinely murder someone and he just went up and left me alone, now Doc is keeping me company

Scar: RIP whoever dies

Tango: Uh?

Hels: Wels, dear brother, your stupid

Wels: bruh

Wels: is it not the same?

Hels: No dimwit

Hels: I think our time with the safety of Minecraft updates and such had made us all weak and uneducated

Xisuma: it hasn't been five minutes since I open discord is there chaos

Scar: Grian still looks ready to murder

Grian: I am very insulted that no one remembered Alchemy, at all >:(

Xisuma; Uh, should we?

Grian: Alchemy is the more harder and not easier process of making potions and what not compare to the quick and simple crafting/brewing you all are so used to doing

Scar: So, magic

Grian: Yes, magic

Xisuma: pls don't force me to drink that awful vial of health potion

Grian; that was one time and it was for your own good >:[

EX: when was this?

Grian: yesterday

Grian; he got badly injured and the health didn't work so I had to used the old fashioned and original health vial I had and he absolutely hated it

Xisuma: so much so that I went and played another round of Decked out to yell at a Ravager to look at me

Tango: I was wondering why you were yelling at a Ravager to look at you so much

NPG: (눈‸눈)

NPG: all of you are weird sometimes

Grian: and your stuck with said weirdness

NPG: Ik and I won't have it any other way

Mumbo: So, uh, why are you so upset about us not knowing alchemy?

Grian: this topic is going to span across multiple chapters and there's no stopping me from explaining it in my own ways

Tango: your inner 4th wall breaking habit is showing again

Grian: shush

Grian: anyway like i said, very long explanation

Scar: can't be that bad

Grian: ever played any fantasy games that have potions making mechanics? Alchemy and what not?

Scar: okay never mind

Scar: I think I understand

Wels: ????

Jevin: Alchemy is such a difficult thing to understand at all

Jevin: Even though I know the basics

Grian: glad to know I'm not the only one that knows it, even if it's the basics

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