The World Hopper

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Secret chat

RA!Xisuma is online

RA!Xisuma: hey everyone!

Dadsuma: CHILD!

RA!Xisuma: not a child!


Grian: UR BACK

Mumbo: so what? No welcome back for me?

Grian: YOU LEFT?

Mumbo: yes?

Joel: u didn't tell us

Scar: me and Joel knew

Joe: didn't think to mention it?

Scar: I thought everyone knew!

Tango: I didn't

Doc: me neither

Joel: how's my wife?

Mumbo: scary

Joel: sounds about right

Zedaph: wow

Zedaph: just wow

Zedaph: who's the child with Xisuma name?


RA!Xisuma: I'm old enough to be in the academy U_U

Grian: sweet nephew

Grian: your only in middle school

Grian; ur still a child

RA!Xisuma: YOU

RA!Xisuma: ...

RA!Xisuma: I'll get my revenge soon enough

Wels: uh oh, you got a angy child

Grian: an angry child that's the Prince of all Watchers, in his universe anyways

Scar: oh wow

Scar: that's unexpected

Wels: considering how many universes have Xelqua being worshipped

Grian: I still questioned how it happened

Grian: did the watchers like, took the idea and run with it?

Dadsuma: probably

Wels: the watchers just does whatever they want, whether we want it or not

Wels: but we also have to be responsible and address problems that shouldn't happens and things they really shouldn't do

RA!Xisuma: exactly, uncle wels :D

Hels: in ur universe he's a uncle?

RA!Xisuma: WDYM just my universe?

Hels: what

Joe: huh?

Joe: Fellow World Hopper, what do they mean?

Wels: Um

Wels: I'm not ur wels

RA!Xisuma: bs

RA!Xisuma: u are in fact my uncle

Grian; how can you be so sure?

RA!Xisuma: Alcove

Wels: How is that psychopath?

Wels: and I realized my mistake

Wels: darn

Etho: Buddy

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