Daily questionable choices?

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Secret Chat

EX: Does anyone know where Jevin went?

Hels: Nope, why?

Scar: ^^^

EX: He promised to taste test some pastries I made

Grian: Why not asked us to do it? D:?

Grian: Your pastries are amazing after all

EX: For one thing, Jevin is a Slime and is still learning the difference in food taste and all

EX: another is cuz you guys are insane

NPG: I can count on my database the amount of chaos you all did with the sugar

Scar: Touche

Xisuma: I actually know where Jevin went

EX: Where he go?

Xisuma: Visited Wels on a little outing

Hels: Bruh

Hels: Srsly?

Xisuma: Yes

Xisuma: Now leave them be until they come back

EX: Well, at least now I know why Jevin wanted me to help him make a picnic basket this morning

Xisuma: Haha

Hels: Hmmm

Grian: Lol

Grian: I'm not in the server for some time so idk wtf is happening

Hels: You don't know about the dragon eggs?

Grian: Doc?

Mumbo: Doc

Grian: Of course

Scar: Where did you go?

Grian: I fled to France

Grian: Duh

Scar: Wha

Scar: No fair >:(

Mumbo: How

Grian: Yes

Grian: Wherever charles goes, I follow, somehow

Mumbo: Of course...

Tango: So like

Tango: I have questions

Grian: What's ur questions

Tango: What did you do to the Admin Councils?

Grian: Oh

Grian: Simple :)

Xisuma: Oh Xelqua...

Xisuma: Pls don't

Grian: Silly Xoomie, don't forget who I am~!

Xisuma: ;-;

Joe: You know, for fictional characters, we're given quite a lot of power here

Xisuma: what

Tango: Oh yeah

Tango: Everything is a lie technically

EX: True

Xisuma: I don't need a crisis, pls

Grian: Man, I can't believe it's been some years now

Grian: Oh yeah btw

Grian: I did redstone at Zedaph base, who proud of me now?

Mumbo: We'll see about that

Mumbo: If you did bad, we will not hesitate to make sand or gravel fall and have you crash

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