Alternative what?

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Hels: Ik I hack this chat and all but like

Hels: y tf do I see 2 jevin and Wels?

Xisuma: excuse me wat-

Doc: thats a lie

Hels: stopped pick tomatoes and look at spawn

Doc: how do u even know I'm picking tomatoes?

Hels: Ur helsian counterpart is a gardener, not a mad scientist

Doc: 0-0

Hels: pretty sure he does the science stuff if Mechanic wasn't batshit insane sometimes

Grian: we have him on a leash as a alchemist

Hels: oh yeah- y again?

Grian: do u WANT him to go off being a crazy scientific mad genius out for revenge?

Hels: nvm

Cleo: y is it always u guys that caused problems

Grian: I didn't do anything this time, I'm actually off world

Cleo: wait wat

Grian: I'm actually quite literally busy ya know

Grian: I have a life

Grian: anyways have fun lol

Grian is offline

Jevin: I have this feeling with the lack of Grian now we're in trouble in terms of multi versal chaos

Wels: y say that?

Jevin: cuz I'm pretty sure our doppelganger r alternative version of us

Wels: oh

Wels: wait

Wels: y r they wearing wedding bands?

Tango: good question 🤔

Tango: lmao imagine they're married to each other /Joke

Joe: go asked them

Tango: yada yada

Tango: probably will

Hels: thanks Tango

Hels: u broke them

Tango: wat did I do?!

Hels: apparently the other Jevin and Wels r married

Hels: to each other

Hels: guess other me Accepted other Jevin

Tango: O

Tango: so like they're in denial now?

Xisuma: I'm so very concern

Doc: I'm confused

Doc: like

Doc: Alternative Universe is just... Strange to think about...

Doc: I get that hels craft is the closes we can get to it and all, but still, strange tho

Xisuma: Hmm

Tango: Ehh

Tango: in Joe words

Tango: They're like stories of endless possibilities, what if, different beginning and different end.

Xisuma: wow

Xisuma: that, actually could be y AU existed

Xisuma: cuz Grian told me that he's Xelqua, I find it extremely hard to believe that my Patron God of Protection and Freedom could be Grian

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