EX and Hels have a talk

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EX and Hels DMs...

Hels: so it seems like it's time we finally speak about wat had happened

EX: u mean kissing me? Yeah I think it's time we did talk about it

Hels: I'll be honest, I've been wanting to genuinely kissed u without any issues 4 awhile

EX: dang, rlly?

Hels: yep

Hels: wat I didn't expect was 4 Wels to stopped Xisuma from attempting to kill me when I kissed u

EX: that's

EX: ur right, that is surprising, I thought Wels hated u?

Hels: same

Hels: I think he's slowly getting around to accepting me as his clone

EX: I thought u guys r bros

Hels: I was a soul that decided to steal his clone body as my own hence y we look the same but the colors been changed, plus the body didn't even have a soul to begin with so ye


EX: then wat r u guys then?

Hels: I say brothers but he refused to even acknowledge my existence most of the time

EX: man can't even afford a loving brother

Hels: shush >:/

Hels: anyways, wat do we even considered ourselves since me kissing u kinds just implied that I like like u

EX: derp the words pls, I'm feeling quite derpy trying to read wat u wrote

Hels: I'm asking if you want to be my boyfriend

EX: Oh

EX: Absolutely yes :D

Hels: :D

Hels: Now to get our brothers approval, Lord Xelqua Approval, Grian Approval and the Helsians approval

EX: O yea

EX: I remember how Grian told me and X that he's Xelqua, I didn't rlly believe him cuz there's no proof


Hels: Holy shit that makes sense on his actions-

EX: u believe it don't u

Hels: I'm realizing it now!

Hels: Haven't u thought about how Grian was able to even make a stable connection between both Hermitcraft and Helscraft? 

Hels: How Grian knows so much stuff that no normal person does? 

EX: O shit

EX: Ur right

EX: so all this time Grian IS Xelqua?!

EX: that- explains y NPG seems to bring them both up as the same person so much 

Hels: It's NPG, he's Grian creation, it made sense he knows

Hels: Especially since he's kind a just creepy in general

EX: I want a universe where he's a bean and Grian let us adopt him as ours 

Hels; Ur asking a bit much

EX: tbf it can technically be arrange :D

Hels: I'm not ready to be a parent EX 

EX: I wasn't implying that


Hels: He can't be both our brother, 1 of us would have to adopt him as a bro or we both adopt him as a child 

Hels: u gotta think man 

EX: Oooh 

EX: Right, I need to think more logically

EX: I ain't Xisuma 

Hels: I don't expect u to be smart honestly 

Hels: I expect u to be the adorable derp that u r

EX: I'm not adorable

Hels: Ur adorable 

EX: No

Hels: U willingly gave us a photo of u and X as smol baby

EX: ...

EX: good point

EX: I should give Grian all my photos and blackmail I got on X 

Hels: I think Grian already had them

Hels: since he's Xelqua and all

EX: True

EX: so

EX: Wanna go hang out or make Grian proud with pranks?

Hels: How about both >:)

EX: >:)


Hels and EX proceed to make their pranking spree kinda like a date all while making some of the Hermits lives a bit miserable, but still hilarious with pranks cause yes. Oh and they went to Grian for confirmation, he did confirmed that he's Xelqua and gave them their approval. Oh and also Grian asked them to not tell Xisuma cuz he found it funny to deal with his obliviousness sometimes, lots of fun to pranks after all.

Surprisingly, Wels was okay with them dating, much to EX happiness and Hels confusion. As usual, Xisuma threatened to kill Hels if he hurts EX. 

Wait. Why is majority of the Helsians stopping Mechanic (Hels!Mumb) and Badtws from murdering Hels? 

Author Note: Y'all want concept art of what I think some of the Helsian (Like Hels!Mumbo and Hels!Doc for example) Look like? (Of course only for the characters that I do have some understanding of haha....)

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