Sleepy Grian

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Meanwhile in the Hermitcraft main chat...

Doc: guys

Doc: help

Doc: theres a AFK grian

Jevin: is he genuinely afk and not asleep?

Doc: idk

Doc: he haven't even responded at all

Jevin: could be sleep

Doc: well wat ever the reason, still need help

Doc: his wings kept smacking me every time I tried to get him to a bed

Pearl: that makes sense now

Pearl: grian a bit stubborn, well, at least his instincts r I guess

Mumbo: he doesn't rlly accept anyone trying to move him in his sleep unless it's of up most trust

Jevin: just like me trust u guys to keep me safe as I become a puddle slime?

Mumbo: yea

Pearl: wot

Pearl: u can become a puddle????

Jevin: I never told u and Gem bout this did I?

Gem: Nope

Gem: now we know

Jevin: right

Cleo: so how r u guys gonna move Grian?

Mumbo: gold question

Mumbo: good*

Mumbo: Hey X wanna try?

Xisuma: ? Why me?

Mumbo: dunno, ever dealt with Afk Grian?

Xisuma: no?

Cleo: just go and try get him back to his starter base

Scar: I would offer to go but I am currently off world dealing with Vexes related issues

Cleo: wot

Impulse: I feel like that have something to do with Tango

Tango: ???

Scar: if only

Scar: but alas

Scar: it actually got something to do with G-Man

Wels: can someone tell me y Hels in this chat

Jevin: wat

Iskall: wat makes u say that?

Wels: look at the list

Iskall: O


Xisuma sigh as he shakes his head in slight amusement, preparing to fly towards the coords that was given to him of Grian location. He does wonder why he have to go fetch him, but he suppose the others just wanted him to not do any kind of work for the time being and just relax or whatever.

Gathering what he needed, he starts heading off to where he must go.


By the time he arrived, he was greeted by an Afk Grian who looks asleep and a concern Doc who is holding a ice pack to his face. "What happened to you this time?" Xisuma asked, mildly concern since Doc commonly don't get bruise so easily. Said person pointed at Grian. "The grain of bread wings can hurt despite it fluffy looks." Was his only answer as he walked away. Xisuma just huffed, a bit in concern still, as he walks over to Grian.

Surprisingly, he wasn't smack or anything, so he counted that as a win. Now the difficulties would be getting Grian back to his base, with a soft sigh. He managed to picked up the avian- being sure to make his wings comfy at the least and carefully fly to his starter house.


Doc: guys, Xisuma left with Grian

Cleo: back to who base?

Mumbo: probably Grian, it's cozy

Scar: it's a cozy home

Jevin: ^^^

Wels: y r u guys ignoring me whenever I asked about Hels being here?

EX: u never question me yet

Cleo: ...

False: Now we r

Stress: what a lovely day it is

Stress: who we blackmailing?

Hels: jevin

Wels: now u talk?

Hels: O I'm sorry mr knight that haven't even fought someone to the death unlike some hermits here!

Hels: I ass busy running 4 my life!

EX: who u running from?

Hels: who else, NPG

EX: ...

EX: I pray to Xelqua u live

Wels: wat

Scar: my the Vexes come to collect ur inventory

Hels: hold up

Hels: No-

Scar: :)


Xisuma ignored the buzzing that was his communicator seeing as it would just be notifications from the group chat. If he was being honest, they're probably having a interesting conversation or something. He wasn't sure, but anyways, he managed to opened Grian house door and walked inside, not all that surprised to see it a mess. Grian wasn't always one to be organized when it comes to his own stuff.

Making sure to closed the door and set Grian on the bed, that suspiciously look like a best made from various clothes he stolen, he covered the shorted hermit with a blanket and attempged leave. Only to be caught by surprised when something caught his wrist. He stopped and look to see it was a barely awake Grian that stopped him.

"Stay...?" He barely whispered, Xisuma quite honestly wondered if any of the hermits are watching... Which they probably would... But he nodded, whispering a soft assurance that he would stay. Grian moved to give room for Xisuma to lay down in the nest with him- after he removed his helmet and armor so it wouldn't be so uncomfortable in the comfy looking nest that Grian made.

Of course Grian was happy and cuddled him, now making Xisuma wondered if the rest of former boatem gotten to do this with Grian, with how protective and motherly he rarely be when surrounded by friends. Similar to the mycelium resistance from back in season 7. Jevin did told him a bit about how motherly Grian was, be wouldn't be surprised.

With a soft smile, he gently pet his head, falling asleep soon after. Not catching what Grian had muttered.


Mumbo: Alright guys, u guys owe me 10 diamonds

Scar: damn it

Impulse: ???

Impulse: u guys had a bet???

Mumbo: yes

Mumbo: a bet on weather or not Grian would invite Xisuma to his nest of cuddles

Impulse: :0

Impulse: Xisuma have possibly joined the nest!

Doc: ????

Iskall: sometimes u guys confused us

Cleo: ^^^

Pearl: best u don't understand


Mumbo: O

Mumbo: wait


Stress: wat other chat?


Impulse: huh?


So, the guys in the other chat instantly left the main chat to go saved Hels from getting dropped kicked by Robot Grian. Xisuma stuck being cared for by a cuddly and clingy Grian. Everyone else is confused.

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