Admins Adventure Pt. 2

682 31 16

Admins Chat

Grian: !Airhorn_Lol


Tommy is online



Dream: Cries

Dream: my phone volume was for some weird reason on the highest level, it woke up George and he sucker punched me ಥ_ಥ

Xisuma: That sounds so much worst than getting knocked out unconscious or getting knocked out by the sleep potions my hermits tricked me into consuming

Xisuma: Or the occasional times that Grian came and whisked me away to his latest nest and make me sleep

Fwhip: for good reasons too

Xisuma: it's not

Dream: workaholic

Xisuma: but I'm not

Dream: you are

Dream: don't deny it

Scott: yeah, it's pretty obvious Xisuma

Grian; even your fellow admins are calling you out

Grian: and I, as your god, also very concerned for your health and Sanity

Xisuma: ;-;

Xisuma: you guys are so mean to me :<

Tommy: dude, usually I'm the jackass, but I agreed with the others, you deserve the platonic love and care

Tommy: also since G decided to wake up chat with that stupid airhorn

Tommy: is it Adventure Time?

Scott: Reference?

Tommy: perhaps

Grian: maybe

Grian: but yes, adventure time but this time around I spent some quality time brushing off my Alchemy skills cuz we're all desperate idiots who don't have a team healer

Dream: probably George honestly, he's a passive player

Tommy: True, gogy would be a good healer

Tommy: but downside is be sleeps a lot to replenish their energy

Tommy: what's up with the chronic sleeping, so concerning even for a sleepy god like him ಠ_ರೃ

Xisuma: Wels has a similar sleeping problem, but we all noted that it's a cursed type of issue

Grian: scar is dealing with it, mutters something bout annoying Faes or whatever

Scott: he is a Vex-Fae so of course he knows

Grian: ...

Xisuma: ...

Tommy: ...

Fwhip: ...

Dream: Wtf?

Grian: everything makes so much more sense now

Grian: conversation for another day

Grian: y'all ready? We should consider doing more quest for forging materials

Fwhip: y'all still holding that against me

Dream: yes, yes we are

Fwhip: (-ω-;)

Xisuma: I think some of the materials we need happens to be that one cave we fled from last time

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