The Thin line of fictions and not fictions

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Chaotic Chat

Grian: Wait wait wait

Grian: Why is this the topic

Xisuma: ?

NPG: Might be my fault.

Grian: Again???

Grian: What did you do this time NPG

NPG: Not properly using tone indicators.

Grian: Wha...?

Scar: Why do you think that's a problem on your part?

NPG: I am still learning to using my emotions modules but can't figured out how to properly convey it by text forms.

NPG: Due to that, the readers may simply take my sarcastic remarks as simply something normal.

Mumbo: I mean, sure, conveying emotions text is hard without a indicator, but like what--

Mumbo: The topic makes it sound like you broke the rules

Grian: This chat does have rules

Grian: For one thing this chat is never meant to be taken srsly

Xisuma: Just all light banters and jokes?

Grian: exactly the case

Grian: The poor authors may not even know the boundaries of our maker! Considering, well, ya know, it's scared or lost or difficult to find nowadays

Mumbo: True...

Mumbo: It can be hard to find those important knowledges

Scar: If only there was a place that has it all listed, would make it easier for the writers and artists on the safer side

Wels: what the heck is going on

Wels: I was just casually sending some photos to Hels and I just see this chat exploded

Scar: Not as much as the time we exploded the poor Buttercups chat by planning a whole debacle of covering the perimeter :3

Tango: I still can't believe you guys did that

Xisuma: and I can't believe Iskall showed up just to help

Tango: Okay, he did what and he didn't even came to visit the rest of us? Rude >:'(

Scar: He's probably a busy man

Scar: cuz ya know, the vaults needs raiding hehe

Grian: I don't get it

Mumbo: You don't need to

Mumbo: really, you don't need to

Grian: your afraid I'll get my hands on all the modded tools of destructions

Xisuma: yes

Xisuma: yes we're afraid

Tango: I can see it already

Tango: Grian destroying the server one at a time

Grian: the first to go is Kov

Tango: wat

Grian: :3

Grian: there's many reasons why Kov had to go

Tango: Okay, we won't even ask anymore

Xisuma: I don't think we should even ask at all

Mumbo: Probably not, he got a knife

Scar: You mean a sword?

Mumbo: Nope, an actual knife

Mumbo: which is weird considering Grian doesn't usually pick up a knife unless he's cooking something

EX: I wonder what he's cooking

EX: I bet it's something awesome :D

Jevin: Why are you guys suddenly interesting in food?

Jevin: I don't really understand the appeal of eating food at all

Scar: Eh, you'll be surprised

Scar: Trust me, you'll be surprised

Jevin: right...

EX: I mean, technically speaking, between me and Xisuma, I'm the one that bakes while he cooks

Xisuma: I have made so many amazing dishes and it's all so wonderful o(〃^▽^〃)o

Grian: must be nice

Hels: imagine :<

Hels: Wels and I just occasionally fight via rap battle

Tango: why do you guys yell at each other with music--

Hels: I always wondered that

Grian; how did Wels ends up with you?

Hels: how did you brought a demon to Hermitcraft that builds rustic houses?

Grian: Satanic Ritual

Grian: which I promptly done by ignoring every single warning it had ever given me

Mumbo: Why-

Mumbo: Just, Why-

Xisuma: your sanity concerns me

Grian: bold to assume I had any

Tango: but you do have it half the time when it comes to like, idk, something that interest you so much?

Grian: Oh yeah

Grian; but like, then again, it's not that bad considering, well, I'm just me :^

Mumbo; this whole conversation is odd

NPG: I just installed a new emotions module :]

Mumbo: that's terrifying

Mumbo: very terrifying

NPG: Idk what you mean (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Grian: It's the emoticons data packet

Grian: I'm starting to regret giving it to him

Grian; but it's too late

Tango: clearly, that just makes him scarier somehow

Tango: and idk how to feel about that

Hels: we all seen worst

Hels: somehow

Xisuma: The Moon (눈‸눈)

Scar: Haha--

Scar: anyways so

Scar: does anyone know where Gregg went? He kinda took my sword and ran.

Grian: My son?!

Grian: I bet he's causing mischief just like his papa o(〃^▽^〃)o

Xisuma: Oh no

Xisuma: No no no

Xisuma: Why does anyone trust you with children's-

Scar: I wonder the same thing

Mumbo: there's literally nothing we could do about it

Mumbo: at all

NPG: Let's face it, all of Grian Creations ends up either chaotic or genocidal -_-

Mumbo; Well, not wrong-

Grian: :]

Xisuma: By the grace of Minecraftia god, spare us.


A important conversation about NPG lead to a questionable conversation at the end. How does one even go about this at all?

Hermitcraft chaotic ChatWhere stories live. Discover now