NPG existence

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Xisuma created "How did Grian created NPG?"

Helsknight joined the chat

EX joined the chat

MumboJumbo joined the chat

Goodtimewithscar joined the chat

NPG joined the chat

Xisuma changed their chat name

NPG: r u guys that desperate 4 an answer???

Hels: yes

Hels: u confused us all

Hels: especially since I once remember Grian speaking gibberish in chat once

Mumbo: apparently he wasn't speaking science but was speaking mechanic and uh

Mumbo: idk if quantum physics even count

EX: I question it still

EX: well, question it since the day we all learned NPG was created by Grian

EX: like

EX: wats ur relationship with him???

NPG: normally a creator building something like myself would considered father and son

NPG: but rlly

NPG: I'm more of a mini clone or brother if anything

NPG: so honestly, I'm just Grian Android brother he always wanted cuz he doesn't want to admit he's lonely

Mumbo: ._.

Scar: it's more mumboJumbo

Mumbo: is that an insult?

Scar: no

Mumbo: compliment??

Scar: Mumbo, srsly

Mumbo: wat?

Xisuma: anyways

Xisuma: guess we can classify Grian and NPG as siblings

Xisuma: although does that mean that NPG is grumbot uncle or wat?

Mumbo: most likely

Mumbo: we're parenting

Mumbo: platonicaly

Mumbo: seeing Grian is technically married

EX: he's wat

Hels: wat

Mumbo: a story for another time

Scar: uh

Xisuma: he's not gonna be happy that u told this chat

Xisuma: even tho it's just us

Hels: I'm more afraid of wat horror that Grian would reign on us

Hels: he's terrifying

Hels: even to us helsian

Xisuma: a lot of hermits r afraid

Xisuma: and that's already rare as it is

Mumbo: didn't he still technically traumatized Ren?

Scar: thought it be impulse that get traumatized since Ren did the traumatizing in 3rd life

Xisuma: ??????

NPG: anyways

NPG: anymore questions?

Xisuma: yes

NPG: wat is it?

Xisuma: uh

Xisuma: where's Grian

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