| Chapter One | Ice meets Flame

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That mission. It was the one that started it all. If I hadn't gone, would my heart have still ended up broken? Do I regret going? No. That mission was something I needed. It led to the next several years of pure bliss.

I was a user of Ice Breathing. My personality matched. I was cold, hard, and so were my words. My icy words were harsh and to the point. Nobody escaped the frigid tone I carried in my voice.

"Rika, you have a mission. Demons are stealing the lives of innocent people in a village. You are to vanquish them, and free the families. Other demon slayers will join you. Go now! It's one day to the south." My crow told me.

"Yes." I responded.

I began walking and wished I didn't have to team up. They were not fond of working with me, and I disliked them, too. I was too cold. Why befriend someone who could die? I didn't see the point. I wouldn't let anybody in.

My hand went to my headband. The pale blue silk was soothing to touch. I liked the way it held my long hair. It kept me cool while I made the long trip to the village.

I made it to the village after walking all day. Nishiwaga Village. I entered the woodland behind the village.

In just an hour, the others started making their way into the forest. It looked like most of them were the same rank as me, but one was higher. He was wearing a plain white haori over his uniform. I knew he wasn't a Hashira, but he gave off an aura of strength. He had a fighting spirit. Good, someone who could carry his own weight. I detested when others relied on me in battle. I preferred working alone.

"Fuji! You're here! I'm so relieved." I turned at the sound of my name, narrowing my blue eyes. Someone was comforted because I was there? So they would rely on me. How annoying. I hated the weak. The guy who spoke was the same rank as me, and I had gone on several missions with him. I recognized him but didn't know his name.

"Fuji? Is that Fuji Rika?" It was the boy with the white haori. His hair stood out, and I found it very weird. It looked like flames. Very bright compared to my own black hair.

"Yes. That is me." I said.

"I have heard of you!" He said enthusiastically.

"That is nice." I said.

"I hear that you are strong! As well as an ice breathing user!" Did he have to be so loud? "I am Rengoku Kyojuro! A user of flame breathing!"

"Did I ask?" I questioned. I didn't care what type of breathing he used. It wouldn't make a difference in battle. Everyone had their own way of fighting. That was what made the contrast. The type of breathing mattered less than how you used your breathing style.

"No. But I told you anyway!" He replied with a smile.

"Try only speaking when somebody asks you a question." I advised.

"That would not lead to an enjoyable exchange." He said cheerfully.

"I didn't ask for a conversation with you did I?"

"You did not, but I enjoy chatting with you!" He was still smiling.

I turned on him. "Why!? What is it you enjoy about me!?"

"I appreciate making new companions! You will be fun to get to know!"

I stopped in my tracks. He still wanted to get to know me? Why? I've been nothing but cold to him. Why would he want to be friends with me? I gasped. Taking him in for the first time, I noticed some things about him. He had beautiful eyes. They too, reminded me of flames. He even gave off warmth.

This was the moment that Kyojuro Rengoku began to thaw my icy heart. I shook my head. No. I would not let this guy melt the ice walls I raised around myself. I built them to protect myself. This boy and his flaming spirit would not break through them. I was determined to make him my rival.

I was about to speak, and to tell him off, when he abruptly turned his head. Then we all heard a scream. He ran toward it and we followed at the same pace. We found the woman being held captive by a demon.

"Flame breathing; First form: Unknowing Fire!" I heard his voice and he was beside her in a flash and the demon let her go, but dodged his attack.

It tried to retreat but I took over. I made an attempt to stab but it was fast and dodged me as well. Rengoku and I both attempted to behead the demon, but our swords clashed and stopped each other from beheading the demon and it ran off.

"Are you kidding me!? You lost us our chance at beheading that demon!" I yelled as it ran off and the others chased.

He ignored me and ran after the demon. I was really not going to like this guy at all. I growled. This guy was annoying, and I really hated that he was faster than me. I'd show him.

Realizing that my crow said demons, and not just demon, I focused, sensing where the other demons might be.

I focused on my body temperature, and where I felt any change in the air. My head snapped up and I knew. Behind me! I twisted and saw a demon run behind the houses and I gave chase.

I would behead this one. Rengoku wouldn't win. Win? There was no prize. This wasn't a competition, and I knew perfectly well. How could one person have such an effect on me? I wouldn't let Rengoku do this to me.

As I ran after the demon I heard another scream. It was coming from the direction the others ran. I couldn't stop now though, I had to get this demon.

We were approaching the river and the demon would turn. I made a choice and went left trying to cut it off. There was a fifty percent chance I was wrong. I took the risk.

The demon turned left and I leapt into the air swinging my sword. He looked up at me as my sword collided with his neck. In an instant his head went flying into the river and he was dead.

"Well done Fuji!" It was Rengoku's voice.

I turned and he was standing by the house I ran around to cut the demon off. He sword was sheathed.

"What are you doing!?" I screeched. "Go after your demon!"

"It is already dead!" He said. Loudly as usual. And oddly smiley. Why was he so happy?

I sheathed my sword and walked away from him. He followed. We walked along the river, while I tried to sense if there were any more demons and I didn't think there were.

About twenty minutes later I had explored both edges of the village and he was still behind me. I growled again and turned to him. This boy made me angry. He was doing nothing.

"What do you want!?"

"You seem to be very good at sensing demons!" He said.

I huffed and again tried to ditch him, but he kept up the pace with me and he took a couple of larger strides so that he was able to walk beside me.

I groaned. Why was he following me? He should have been searching for a demon on his own.

After some time, I was so annoyed with him that I just stopped walking. He too stopped. My eyes moved to his face and he was just watching me.

"What?" I asked.

"There are no more demons. I have killed one. You have killed one, and the others have also killed one. We have managed to rid this village of their monsters!" He said.

Good. "Then go." I said. My voice flat.

"I would like to have a conversation with you!" He said.

"No." I began to move along the path back to my home. And then I stopped. I had only one question for him. "What is your rank?" I asked without turning to him.

"Kinoto!" He said.

I continued to walk and decided he wasn't worth any more words.

"What is your rank?" He asked in return.

I ignored him. I was done talking to him. I was only Kanoe. And if he knew that, he would look down on me. Kyojuro Rengoku. I would surpass him in rank. I'd become a Hashira. He would remain a lowly Kinoe. And I'd prove that I was better than him.

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