| Chapter Two | Hashira

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I had just returned to headquarters and I was happy to recieve another mission. I had hoped my crow would come soon and send me on my way.

I felt someone nearby, the heat of their body radiating. I turned, and he was staring at me harshly.

I glared at him, my blue eyes just as harsh. He was trying to scare me. It would not happen. I could tell that he was a higher rank than me, but that didn't give him the right to act this way.

"Well, well, looks like somebody has an attitude." He said.

I didn't respond and continued to glare at him.

"Don't give me that! Who are you to disrespect me? I'm a Hashira! You should bow at my feet!"

Ah, so this guy thought he was special just because he was a Hashira.

His violet eyes were intense, and there was something about them that made me stir inside. His hair was a shade of white.

There was one thing about him that set him apart from the others. And it had me somewhat unnerved. The man had so many scars.

Still, I didn't change my expression. He was trying to play at scaring me and he would soon learn that Rika Fuji is not afraid of people.

"Aren't you going to say anything, or are you just going to continue to look stupid over there?" He said, breaking the silence.

He clicked his tongue after I turned away. I got to him. I knew turning away from him would piss him off. He just seemed to be the type.

"I have nothing to say to someone so boorish."

I was goading him on. I wanted to get on his nerves, though I didn't know why. He was supposed to see how little of an impact he made on me.

He growled, and I smiled wickedly. It was working. I successfully annoyed him.

I turned to face him again, and I was still smiling. His eyes widened slightly and then he chuckled.

"You're not worth my time." He said and smirked.

He turned and took a few steps before turning his head to the side to speak once more.

"Don't think that you've gotten away with your behavior, little demon slayer."

And with that, he laughed again and walked away.

Someone else's laughter came from behind me and I recognized the voice.

I turned, and there was Rengoku. He was smiling at me. My smile faded, and I glared at him, too.

"You seem to have angered our Wind Hashira. Shinazugawa can be very intense." He said.

"I have nothing to say to you, Rengoku." I said.

"That's progress! You have acknowledged my name!" He said happily.

"Why don't you go jump into the river?"

"That would not be enjoyable. Perhaps we could go enjoy some noodles instead!"

I turned and walked away. "Go by yourself. Your food habits attract too much unwanted attention."

"It sounds like you would consider going with me!"

I stopped walking and blurted, "No! That's not what I meant! You will never sit at a dinner table with me."

"Haven't you heard that noodles are more enjoyable with a friend?" He asked.

"We are not friends!" I turned to him and shouted.

My icy gaze met his fiery one, and he only smiled.

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