Giyu and the Accidental Haircut ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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The demon charged at me, and I jumped in the air, twisting my body. Giyu jumped in the air too, behind the demon. I turned and flipped, flying over the demon, distracting it and allowing Giyu to deliver the final blow.

Giyu swung his sword, and the demon's head flew a short distance. I landed in a crouch and rose to congratulate Giyu on his kill. He had the most emotion I had ever seen when I turned to him. His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open.

"I'm sorry Rika, I didn't mean to. I hope you can forgive me." He said.

"What are you talking about? I don't mind that you killed the demon instead of me."

Giyu approached me and crouched, picking something up in front of me. It was a handful of long black hair.

I gasped and reached for my hair. Where I expected hair past my elbow, instead, it was hair to the length of my shoulder.

"Oh no! My hair!" I screamed.

Giyu grimaced slightly and held his hand out, passing me the hair.

"What am I supposed to do with that!? Giyu, what did you do!?"

"I cut your hair."

"I didn't want an answer! I know you cut my hair! Now it's uneven and..."

Why I was making such a big deal of this, I didn't know. It was just hair. It was going to regrow. I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

"Your hair is so long and it flies around when you fight. I didn't mean to cut it." Giyu said.

"Some Hashira you are..." I mumbled.

"I didn't mean to cut your hair." He repeated.

"I know. It's alright, Giyu. You don't have to apologize. But can you help me?" I held the long part of my hair out. "Can you cut it so it's even? Your sword is sharp enough to just even it all out."

He stepped forward and unsheathed his sword. "Fine."

He held my hair and hesitated a moment, before putting his sword to it, matching the length of where he had accidentally cut. In one quick movement, he sliced, and the rest of my hair fell to my shoulders. Giyu held my hair in his hand as I turned.

"Thank you. How does it look?" I asked.

His gaze met mine. "No matter what you do with your hair, it is going to be fine. It looks alright."

I guess in Giyu speak, that meant it looked good. Ever since our encounter in training that day, he avoided complimenting me. I guess Kyojuro had gotten to him. I was curious about how Kyo would react to my haircut, so I was eager to get back to headquarters.

"Thanks, let's go to headquarters."

"I'm going home." Giyu said.

"Oh okay, I'll see you next time, then." I went back to headquarters, hoping Kyojuro was already there.

Kyojuro Rengoku

After my mission, I was a little restless. I hoped Rika would be at headquarters. I wandered through but didn't see her. When a specific haori caught my eye, I halted. I knew it extremely well, because it was the one that I personally made. But it wasn't Rika wearing it.

I strode up to the girl, who had her back turned to me. I didn't know how she got ahold of it, but I required it to be with its rightful owner.

"Excuse me, but that haori, I know it, and I don't believe it belongs to you." I said.

"Kyo! How do you not recognize me?!" She said, turning around.

My eyes widened. Rika had shorter hair! When did this happen? I had seen her at headquarters this morning and her hair was still long.

"Rika! You have cut your hair shorter? I'm sorry, my love, I didn't recognize your hair. I did not think you would cut it like that."

"Thank Giyu for the haircut. I didn't do it myself."

"You requested for Tomioka to cut your hair?" I asked.

Why would she do that? She could have very well requested that I help her. I could handle cutting her hair for her.

She laughed. "It happened on the mission I just returned from. My hair was so long and it got in the way, his sword hit it and shortened half of my hair, so he cut the rest to match. I guess it was bound to happen. No wonder the other slayer girls tie theirs."

"Oh Rika, your long hair was beautiful." I said, reaching out and passing my fingers through it. "But this makes you very cute."

She smiled and blushed, then put her hand over her face and peered down. Very adorable. I pulled her in for a hug, and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Your warm face is beautiful." I said.

"Your warm body is beautiful." She replied.

I pulled back and looked down at her, and her gaze met mine. "My body? You have seen very little of it."

She hid her face in my chest. "I meant that your warmth is beautiful."

I laughed and hugged her tight, resting my cheek on the top of her head. "I love you."

"I love you too, Kyo."

My heart fluttered. My nickname. She was the only one who called me Kyo, making it very significant to me. She pulled away from the hug and looked up at me with a smile and I looked deeply into her eyes.

My beloved Rika. I can't wait for us to wed. And maybe one day... children. To watch your belly grow each day with my child. What a beautiful sight that will be!

"Do you want to go home and have dinner? You're looking at me funny. I'm starting to think you're getting hungry, Kyo."

I laughed. "Yes, that would be great."

"Let's go."

She grabbed my hand and turned, walking out of headquarters with me beside her. I looked forward to what dinner we might have. Anything she made would be completely delicious.

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