| Chapter Ten | Realization

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I was standing there, wondering why I had even come to headquarters. I hadn't received a mission, and I didn't want to come across Kyo. Kyo... He was in love. He was happy with her. The last several months he'd been busy were because his time was being given to her. I understood it all now, why he was distant, why he was so happy about being busy.

But I was in love with him. I fell for him, and I never should have let that happen. It all began when I let him melt his way into my heart with his unrelenting attempts to get to know me. After meeting Kyojuro, I had changed. I was friendlier. I had befriended Giyu. Encouraged other slayers, when I thought they needed encouragement. But Kyojuro, I loved him. I loved him and I wanted to be his. Tears fell from my eyes.

I couldn't keep it in any longer. I screamed. As loud as I ‌could. I couldn't remain cold hearted. I tried, but failed. My heart was beating hard, and I wished I could refreeze it. He ruined me. I was once a cold-hearted person who protected herself. Suddenly, I was in love. And now, I was hurting.

The air moved behind me. I figured ‌my scream had caught the attention of one of the Hashira, thinking a demon was around. I should have known who it was. His temperature was warmer than the others. I turned anyway.

His face was one of anger as he looked around. I quickly turned my head. I didn't want him to see my tears.

"Why did you cry out?" Kyojuro asked.

I ignored him. If I responded now, my voice would be uneven. I refused to show weakness. I took a deep breath and focused my mind.


"Nothing. It was just frustration." I said.

"Why?" He asked. I couldn't tell him. Not after what I had already seen. How could I tell him I had fallen for him? I turned to him and my eyes went to his face. His eyes widened when he saw my tears. "Rika, what is going on?" I couldn't respond right away. It took me a moment to be sure that I could speak without my voice breaking.

"I fell in love." I said.

Did I really just say that? Kyojuro would think I was stupid. He did nothing but stand there. I turned my body and walked away, but he was beside me in a flash and grabbed my arm.

"Wait, don't leave. Why is that a bad thing? You seem unhappy." He said.

My feet stopped. I wouldn't look at him, but I responded, "Because he already has somebody."

"I see. I suppose I can understand the pain of being in love with someone that is in love with another." He said.

My head turned. He sounded quieter than usual. My gaze found his face, and he was frowning and looking to the side.

"Your girlfriend is lucky." I said. I laughed and turned my head to hide my blush.

"My girlfriend?" He asked. "Why do you say this?"

Change the subject! "I was not supposed to fall in love. Girls who can have the man they want are lucky."

"Who is the man?" He asked.

"I don't think I can say." I said.


"Because he's a demon slayer."

"I see. I wish I could help you. But without knowing his name, I can't." He said.

"Even if you knew his name, you couldn't help, anyway. I told you he's already in love with somebody."

"Have I met him?"

"Please stop Kyojuro."

"What is his name?" He continued to press me.

Kyojuro Rengoku  Ice Heart And Flame SoulWhere stories live. Discover now