| Chapter Twenty-Nine | Akaza

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"Giyu?" I called.

In an instant, he appeared outside the bedroom door. I glanced up, and he watched me warily.

"I want to talk to you about something. You can come in."

He walked in and took a seat in the chair. The one Kyo would often sit in. He looked at me and I turned away, putting my sword back into its sheath and onto the rack.

"I'm sorry. About that kiss. I don't know what happened, and why I did it, but... it won't happen again." I said.

"What kiss?" He asked.

I turned around, and he looked at me with one raised eyebrow. Giyu. I could always count on him. I told him to pretend it never happened, and he did just that.

"Nevermind." I said.

I stepped forward, and he stood. I reached out and put my arms around him, hugging him.

"Thank you, Giyu. For being here, and for being my best friend." I said.

I stepped away, and he nodded. Giyu and I walked into the sitting room. I sat down, and he went into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water.

I still felt strange for kissing him, and I wondered who he had feelings for. Could it have been Kocho? When Giyu came back and sat down, I watched him as he sipped on his water.

"Giyu, are you in love with Kocho?" I asked.

His eyes met mine, and he inhaled sharply. He set the cup down, and began to choke. I watched him as he choked, and once he stopped, I laughed.

"Giyu, I thought you're the Water Hashira, and that you would know that's not how water breathing works."

His head turned to me and he smiled. The smile turned into a laugh, and my eyes widened. This was the first time I had ever heard Giyu laugh. It stunned me.

I didn't realize Giyu could be this beautiful when he showed emotion. Here he sat in front of me, and I made him laugh. How did I manage that?

I smiled and watched as he laughed. His eyes met mine, and he composed himself. He took another long sip of water and put his cup down, staring into it. I guessed that he wouldn't answer my question.

"Rika! Rika!"

Giyu and I turned at the sound of my name. I stood and went to the window, opening it. Korin landed on the frame and peeked in.

"Korin? What's going on?"

"Ice Hashira! A demon slayer nearby needs help!"

My eyes widened, and I turned to Giyu. He stood and put his hand on his sword at his waist and nodded.

"I'll go. You need to stay away from missions right now."

"Korin, guide Giyu to where he needs to be." I said.

Korin flew into the air and Giyu ran from the house, following her. I turned and went to the table. I grabbed Giyu's cup, washed and put it away.

Evening came, and so did dinner time. Giyu was away, and so it would be just me tonight. My heart sank when I thought about Kyo again. He wasn't coming home tonight. Kyojuro would never come home again.

I made dinner for myself and ate in silence. This was the first time I was alone since I lived in the streets. Things had changed since those days. Yet somehow, I still found myself alone today.

"Kyojuro, Master is probably giving you a scolding for being there." I laughed.

I could see it now. Master frowning and telling Kyojuro off. Being angry with him.

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