| Chapter Eight | Chosen By the Water Hashira

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Kyojuro and I had spent more and more time together, not just in missions. He had invited me out to sit and spend time talking under a tree in a nearby field outside my village. The afternoon was becoming evening and Kyojuro and I had spent a couple of hours just sitting and talking.

"While I have been happy to spend time with you outside of our corps missions, things are going to be different for a little while. Unless we are assigned missions together, we will probably not see much of each other for a while."

"Alright, I'll just hope that every mission I get assigned is with you, then." He looked at me incredulously. I leaned forward and laughed. "That was a joke, Kyo."

He laughed and leaned back, supporting himself by putting his hands behind him. I continued to sit there beside him, laughing. He watched me as I laughed and he had a smile on his face. Once I could contain my laugh, I looked into his eyes again. As usual, I saw what mesmerized me every single time our gazes met. The flame that was present, the way his eyes shone.

"I still have a hard time with your eyes, Kyo. You are the human embodiment of flame."

"Then perhaps one day I can fulfill the position of Flame Hashira well."

"You will. I know you will." I smiled slyly. "But not before I become the Ice Hashira."

"Ice Hashira, Rika Fuji. The title suits you well."

I looked at the snowy ground in front of me. If I continued to work hard, I really could become a Hashira. I was climbing the ranks. And so was Kyojuro. "Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku..." I whispered aloud without even realizing it. I was deep in my thoughts. Flame and Ice. Our styles were complete opposites of each other, yet we complimented each other well. Flame Hashira, and Ice Hashira. On missions, our battles would be beautiful to watch. Could we be as beautiful together as people? "Ice Hashira, Rika Rengoku..." I remembered what Master said, and when the thought hit me, I countered it quickly. No. I was Rika Fuji.

Kyojuro cleared his throat, and I looked up at him. His face was red, and he looked off to the side, into the distance.

"Kyo?" I asked.

He turned to me, his face blazing with heat. He said nothing at all, he just looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"It doesn't seem that you meant to say that out loud." He said.

"Say what?" I asked.

"Ah, that is what I thought."

Oh no. What did I say? My face turned red, worried about what I said out loud. What was I thinking about?

"Kyojuro. What did I say? I'm sorry, I was a little lost in my mind."

"Yes, I'm aware. You don't need to worry! It wasn't anything bad! We can forget about it!"

"Alright, if you say so, Kyo."

He stood up and brushed snow off his pants. "We should go! I have somewhere I must be this evening."

"Alright." I said, also standing up. "I know that it's only January... but your birthday... it's in a few months. And... well... I missed your eighteenth. But I don't want to miss your nineteenth. So... can we... celebrate?" I was having a hard time with my words again.

"Yes! Of course! I would be happy to spend my birthday with my closest friend!" He picked up the blanket that he set down for me to sit on.

"Thank you Kyo." I said with a smile. We parted ways, and I hoped our missions would continue to bring us together. Unfortunately, my hopes didn't come as I wished.

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