| Chapter Thirty-Nine | Kaito

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"I still have to go help Miss Kuriyama." Kyojuro said.

"Alright. I'll start making dinner. Do you have everything you need?" I asked.

"I believe I do. Look before I leave, and if I'm missing anything, I will grab it before I return home." He said.

I walked through the house until I found the kitchen and looked at what he had to cook with. There wasn't very much, and it seemed that all he made was udon.

"Kyojuro?" I called.

No response. I growled. Was he not going to respond to his name? Was this his way of being stubborn and having me call him Kaito? Fine. He didn't have to respond to Kyojuro, but in this house, I would not call him Kaito.

I walked out to the sitting room and found Kyojuro sitting in a chair. He glanced up at my entrance and stood.

"You're missing sweet potato." I muttered.

"What am I missing?" He asked.

"Sweet potato. You have to get some if you want some in your soup. Why don't you have any if you like it so much?" I asked.

He walked to the door after turning away. He slid it open and stopped, staring at the floor.

"Because I like it better when you make it." He mumbled.

He stepped through the door and turned and shut it. I went into the kitchen to make the soup. I grabbed an egg to add to it, and I got the water boiling. Kyojuro would bring home some sweet potatoes and I would add those later.

It wouldn't take long to be ready, because it was so easy to prepare. I wondered how long Kyojuro would take to get home.

I had everything prepared, and all I needed was the sweet potato to add to the boiling water. While I was waiting, I decided to make something extra for Kyojuro. I knew how much he liked to eat.

I grabbed some beef and sliced it up and boiled it, then made some rice. I cut up some vegetables and mixed them all together. Once it was all finished, I dished it up onto a plate and set it aside.

I heard the door slide open, and I walked out to the sitting room. Kyojuro walked in, and I still couldn't get used to seeing dark hair and blue eyes. The eyes were still a mystery to me. I would have to ask him.

He looked at me and smiled, then passed me a package. I took it from him and opened it. Inside were ten sweet potatoes.

"I grabbed enough to last the week." He said.

I nodded and took them into the kitchen. I washed it then cut it up, adding it to the water I had boiling in the pot. They could sit and boil for a few moments while I made tea. Then I added everything else I needed to for the soup. I finished it all and scooped up some soup for Kyojuro into a bowl.

I grabbed a tray and set a bowl of soup, and the sukiyaki plate onto the tray. After I poured a cup of tea for Kyojuro, I added it to the tray. I carried the tray to the dining room where Kyojuro was sitting and waiting. I set it on the table and his eyes widened.

"That's a lot of food." He said.

"Not much compared to what you normally eat." I said.

He shrugged, and I took the food from the tray and sit it in front of him. My hands lifted the tray, and I went back into the kitchen.

"Thank you, Rika." Kyojuro said.

I grabbed a bowl for myself and took it to the dining room. I sat down and began to eat while I watched as Kyojuro slowly ate. He remained silent and composed.

Kyojuro Rengoku  Ice Heart And Flame SoulWhere stories live. Discover now