| Chapter Twenty | Marriage

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"So it's happening?"

I turned around and Giyu stood before me in my shiromuku and he inspected it. It was embroidered with cranes.

"Yes. It is." I said.

"That looks like a lot of layers." He said.

"It took an hour to get dressed. I needed help. How do I look?"

"You're beautiful. Rengoku will be in awe, I guarantee it."

I smiled at Giyu's compliment. I looked at the shrine that we stood outside of. Kyojuro chose this one.

"He's right. You are beautiful."

I turned and Kyojuro stood there, in his black kimono and hakama, topped off by a black haori.

How lucky he didn't have to wear so much. The robe that covered my kimono felt so heavy. I much preferred my demon slayer uniform. It didn't weigh me down. I didn't think I'd be able to run so fast in this robe. Not that I would want to. No more running.

There was supposed to be a headdress I was meant to wear, but both Kyojuro and I agreed it wouldn't be necessary because of the meaning of it. Glad I wouldn't have to wear it.

I did, however, have a dagger adorned in my kimono, and I carried a fan. Having the dagger made me comfortable. I knew it symbolized women being protected by it, but I knew full well I could protect myself with it and wouldn't need to take my own life with it.

Kyojuro even carried a fan too, and he held his the way he would hold his katana. He smiled at me, looking at me in my kimono and robe.

I was about to marry him. My heart raced. This was it. Kyojuro and I for the rest of our lives.

From the day we met, it was always him. My ice cold frozen heart melted by this man. He opened the door, and my eyes. To everything I hadn't seen before. He came along, changing how I saw everything.

I had found the perfect person to give my heart to. It would always be his.

All these promises about to be made. I feared falling in love. But he took that fear away. He was the one for me.

I watched him over the years as he made life his own. He never tried to change things. He always let the wind take him where it wanted to go. I learned how that felt. He helped me realize how much I missed out on. I no longer fought the future.

I approached him, and my heart continued to beat fast. The way he gazed at me reminded me of why I gave in and why I fell in love with him. I would love him for eternity.

Kyojuro Rengoku

I observed her, the exquisite woman walking toward me. Mine. Nothing would take this away from me. I wouldn't let anything get between us again.

The sword clash we experienced had come to this. There really was only one true love we got, and I had mine. She walked closer to me and I held my hand out to her.

"I've waited my entire life for this." I said to her. "I knew I'd find you."

"I love you, Kyojuro Rengoku." She said.

"I love you, Rika Fuji."

We walked side by side to the altar that stood ahead of us. Our ceremony would begin, and would bind us together forever as husband and wife. A wonderful future was ahead of us, and I could see it now.

We passed through the gateway and advanced through to the sanctuary. Rika and I sat in the center, with her being to my left. In front of us sat the depiction of the god Kagutsuchi.

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