| Chapter Seven | Water and Flame

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I made my way home and Kyojuro followed. He was still worried about me after what had happened. While we walked, he was silent. I kept my eyes on the road ahead.

When we turned the corner, I saw somebody standing by my house in the distance. I didn't know who it was. I looked over at Kyo, who also noticed the man standing there. All I knew was that I could see long hair.

As we got closer, I recognized the man as Tomioka. The Water Hashira. Why was he there? Maybe he was assigned a mission with me.

"Are you alright?" He asked when we reached my house.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I heard via crow that something happened with another slayer." He said. "He has been dealt with."

"By who?" I asked.

Tomioka said nothing, and I looked at Kyojuro, and he looked like he just figured something out because he smiled and nodded.

"I am glad he has been taken care of."

"Rengoku, you will not be reprimanded. What you did was in defense of another slayer. You acted accordingly."

"Good!" He said.

"I'm glad Kyo won't get in trouble." I said.

"Kyo?" Tomioka asked.

"It's my nickname for Kyojuro." I explained.

He didn't say anything else. And I still wondered why he was here. Kyojuro was only walking with me until I got home, and then he was going to find that slayer. But it seemed that he had already been punished.

"Tomioka, why are you here?" Kyo asked.

"I came to see if you were alright. I didn't know that Rengoku was escorting you home. You look alright." He said.

"Yes! I wanted to see her home, in case that slayer followed her." Rengoku said.

Tomioka turned and walked away. I laughed out loud at that. Tomioka was so much like how I used to be just half a year ago. He stopped and turned to me, and Kyojuro also looked over at me. I knew I looked strange, just laughing like that. But it was funny to me.

"Tomioka, thank you." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"I guess checking on me."

He looked at Kyojuro and nodded, then walked away again. "Rengoku, she's wounded. It needs tending to."

"Wait! Don't leave." I said.

He stopped again, but didn't turn this time.

"Um... can I talk to you and Kyojuro for a minute? Come to the training yard."

I didn't wait for an answer. I didn't even wait to see if he would comply. I just turned and went into the yard at my house. I made my way around to the back and into the yard. I knew Kyojuro was following, and I felt the warmth of his body behind me. And then a moment later, I felt another warm body come around the corner. So, Tomioka came. I was glad that he was willing to talk to me.

I turned around and saw Kyojuro standing near a spot that the bamboo stalks were set up. Tomioka in the distance, just near the corner. He didn't get any closer.

"I wanted to talk to you both about what happened today. And my crow." I said.

I looked down at the ground. Suddenly feeling embarrassed. I was standing here, with Kyojuro in my yard, and there was a Hashira here. My idea sounded stupid now. And I almost changed my mind about bringing it up.

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