| Chapter Fifty-two | The Newest Rengoku

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Mura Fuji

I returned to the mansion, and made my way back to the yard. I walked through and my heart caught in my throat and I nearly turned around.

Lord Tomioka was comforting Lady Kocho, and I could tell it was more than friendly for him. And for some reason that bothered me.

And then I did turn around. Because I felt Lord Tomioka's energy. He felt love and adoration. He loved Lady Kocho, and Lady Kocho was feeling comfort and happiness.

I left the yard and took a deep breath. I would go back later, to apologize to Lady Kocho for leaving her the way I did.

And then suddenly I had a stomach ache. What was that about. Was I sick today? Was it from the lack of sleep I had? I didn't know, but I would walk it off and return to the butterfly mansion soon.

I walked down the road kicking the rocks as I went. Muttering to myself. And then my head shot up and I hit myself in the face again. My sister just had a baby! I had to go see her!

I turned and ran back into the yard, and past Lady Kocho and Lord Tomioka. Something in their energies made me stop. I turned and looked at them. They were sitting side by side and she felt frustration, while he felt resentment. I didn't want to intrude so I turned and continued into the house and made my way to room that my sister was in. I was eager to see the baby as well.

Upon entry, I found Rika lying in bed and asleep. Lord Rengoku had his back turned to me, but when the door slid open he turned around with a smile.

"Ah, Mura. There you are. Would you like to meet Tenjuro?" He asked.

I nodded and stepped forward. He held the bundle in his arms out, and what I saw stunned me. It was like I was looking at Lord Rengoku as a baby.

"Holy crap your genetics." I said.

He laughed and smiled. "Would you like to hold him?"

"Uh, sure... are you sure it's alright?"

"It's absolutely fine, Mura. This is your nephew, you should get to know him."

I held my arms out and he put the baby into my arms and I held him close.

"Tenjuro. Hello there." I said.

"He was supposed to be called Kinjuro, but Rika decided at the last minute that she liked Tenjuro better because it has new meaning for her." Lord Rengoku said.

I looked down at the baby, and smiled at him. He began to cry and I glanced up at Lord Rengoku. He smiled and sat down.

"To be honest, I'm glad you're here Mura. I am feeling the effects of my Ninth Form once again, and it's starting to catch up with me." He said.

"And if I'm being honest, you're lasting longer than I expected." I said.

"Rika is exhausted. She worked very hard, and needs her sleep. And I guess I chose the wrong time to allow myself to give in to my need of exercise." He said.

"It's alright. You two can have a nap. If you don't mind, can I take Tenjuro outside while you two sleep?"

"Yes of course. I'm sure if you need anything, you can ask Kocho." He said.

I nodded and Kyojuro sat on the chair and crossed his arms. I turned and left the room with Tenjuro and went back out to the porch.

Lady Kocho had left and Lord Tomioka sat alone. I sat beside him, and stared at the baby in my arms.

"So that's Rika's baby." He said.

I nodded, and smiled at him. He had stopped crying and was now just looking at me. It was strange to hold a baby in my arms. I knew I would never have the opportunity myself to have a child, so being an uncle was the closest I could come.

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