| Chapter Thirteen | The Flame Hashira

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I rolled over and looked at the man lying beside me. Kyojuro, finally asleep. He tried to hide it, but I knew he had so much pain. I gave him dinner and made him sit in bed right after. His broken leg seemed to bother him more than the broken arm. But he never complained of the pain.

I put my arm around him gently, trying to be cautious of the broken ribs he had. I was grateful to still have him by my side. Losing Kyojuro to a demon would break my heart. I loved him. But unfortunately, it was a risk of the job we did. I expected a demon that I would not beat would eventually arrive.

"I'm so proud of you Kyo. You've come so far, and you became a Hashira. You've worked so hard, and deserve the title." I whispered.

"Thank you, my love." He responded.

My eyes widened. "I thought you were asleep."

"I was for a short while. My body is just a little achy, and it is challenging to sleep." He said, his eyes were still closed.

Just a little achy. Kyojuro, you're something else. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. His eyes opened and his head turned toward me. He watched me and said nothing.

"What is it, Kyo?" I asked.

"You're going to be my wife soon. I am thrilled. Do you recall one day a long time ago, during winter, we were resting under a dormant sakura tree?"

"We've done that a lot. I don't know which time you're talking about."

"It was not long before I became yours. When I said I would be busy, we might not see each other again for a while. We sat there, contemplating our futures. I wanted to become the Flame Hashira and hoped I'd fit the position well." He said.

"You are the Flame Hashira now, and you will fit it perfectly." I said.

"And you called yourself the future Ice Hashira." He said.

"One day. I'll continue to work hard."

"And you also called yourself Rika Rengoku."

I laughed. "Oh, right. I did. I remember now. And you turned red, Kyo."

"Yes." He said.

"What was going through your mind?" I asked.

"I imagined you as my wife. I admired the idea, but realized it was foolish to imagine myself married." He said.

"But now you're going to be. I can't wait to call myself a Rengoku." I leaned forward and kissed him again. "Now, try to get some sleep, my Flame Hashira."


I was returning after a mission. It had been three months since Kyojuro's injury, and he was recovering well. I walked through the door, wondering where he was.

"Kyojuro?" I called out.

"I am in the bedroom!" He shouted.

I made my way to the bedroom and Kyojuro stood in the center of the room, holding the flame patterned haori that I once saw his father wearing. He stared down at it, saying nothing.

"Kyo? Are you alright?" I asked.

He looked up at me. "Do you think I can truly live up to my new title?"

I walked forward and stopped in front of him, taking the haori from his hands. Then I walked around and stopped behind him. I caught his gaze in the mirror.

"Yes. You're going to be a wonderful Hashira, Kyojuro. You're strong, you're fast, you have a heart that cares. You are warm and friendly. Your sense of duty will keep you on the right track, and you will set a good example."

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