A Lesson From Master Goyoka ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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"Rika, come outside."

Master's voice carried to me, and I looked up. I didn't know he was outside.

"Yes, Master!" I stood and went outside.

Master was standing in the yard, looking up at the sky. I stood next to him and waited.

"When you look up at the sky, what do you see?" He asked.

I looked up and thought about it before I answered. The sun was shining, there were some clouds floating across the blue sky, and the air smelled fresh.

"I see clouds and a beautiful sky." I said.

"Anything else?"

I wasn't sure what answer he was looking for, so I said nothing.

He turned to me and said, "You need to think further than that. What's beyond the clouds and sky?"

"I don't know, Master."

"Do you fear it?" He asked.

"There's no reason to fear it. Whatever is there is going to be there whether or not we like it. What is the use of fearing it?"

"Good. Now compare that to our lives. We can see ourselves for what we are, but we don't know what is beyond life. Do not fear what comes. It will come, whether you're ready for it or not. And in my case, I don't want you to be upset over what comes for us all."

I turned to the bokken sitting in the yard. "Master, would you like to train with me?"

"Not today. My bones aren't up to the task. However, there is something I want to teach you. I know I said there was nothing more I could teach you, but I was wrong. I have one last lesson for you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Come sit with me." He said and sat on the porch.

I walked over and sat beside him. And wondered what this was about.

"One day, you will have a family. When you and Kyojuro are married, you will want to start your family."

My face turned red. "Master, isn't it too soon to think about that? We're not married yet."

"Before long, he's going to be a Hashira." Master continued, not responding to me. "When that day comes, there is going to be a change you're going to have to accept."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"The day Kyojuro becomes a Hashira is the day you need to accept that he is going to have to be shared."

I frowned. "What do you mean by that? Who do I have to share him with? He doesn't belong to me, anyway."

"The Corps. Don't misunderstand me, Rika. Kyojuro loves you, and you will always be at the front of his mind. But you also need to allow him to fulfil his duty as a Hashira. He can't be forced to choose between you and a mission he's been assigned, as well as his other duties that are required."

"Master, I don't make him choose. And I don't make him stay."

"Yes, but Rika, he will be away often. There will be very few nights you get to spend together because demons are active at night."

"Oh, so that's what you mean when you say he's going to have to be shared. I understand, Master."

"Do you? As a former Hashira, I know how demanding it can be. My wife could not keep up with it all."

"What do you mean? Master, I didn't know you were married!"

"Long ago, I was married. She was also a demon slayer. We wanted to have a family of our own. When I was promoted, she was happy for me. But as time went on, I was forced to spend more time away because of my duty, and she became more resentful of my title. Until eventually, I came home one night to find her gone. With nothing but a note left behind, telling me she wasn't coming back."

"Master, I didn't know." I said.

"I'm not telling you this for your sympathy. I've accepted it. I'm telling you this because I don't want to see you and Kyojuro go through the same things we did. Rika, my wife became very unhappy because she didn't understand the responsibilities I carried as a Hashira. This is why I want you to understand."

"How do you know Kyojuro is going to be a Hashira first? I'm working hard! What if I'm a Hashira first?" I said that as a joke because I knew very well that I wasn't going to beat Kyojuro in the race of becoming a Hashira. Master frowned.

"Rika, he will be a Hashira one day, and when you also get a promotion, then it's going to be even harder on the two of you. Take care of your relationship and don't let it suffer. Neither of you deserves to go through such a thing."

I looked down, thinking about that. Would I really resent his title as a Hashira one day? I loved Kyojuro, and I knew he loved me, but he did also love his work. I knew all of this. As a Hashira, he would have more duties, keeping him away from home more often, but I was sure I was alright with that. I would always wait for him at home. We had good communication through our crows when we have missions.

"You're thinking very hard. What is on your mind, Rika?"

"I think Kyojuro and I will be alright. Right now he's already rank Kinoe, and he is away a lot. As we speak, he's on a mission. I'll be here when he finishes. I can be patient."

I looked over at Master and he smiled. "You have always been one to allow people to do as they please. Maybe I've been worried for no reason at all. Just promise me you will take care of your relationship and that you two keep your romance alive."

"Yes, of course, Master. Kyojuro and I are happy together and I'll make sure I keep him happy, too."

"Then this old man is content to know that you have a bright future ahead of you." He said.

"It's getting late, Master. Do you want to go inside? I can make you some tea before you go to bed."

"Rika! A mission! Go north to the mountainside! A demon is lurking!" Korin flew down and landed in the yard.

"Sorry, Master. I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll go to the Rengoku house tomorrow to see Kyojuro and then I'll be back here to make us all dinner."

"Farewell, Rika. Take care of yourself. I know I've trained you well and you will reach ultimate heights with your swordsmanship."

"Thank you, Master! I'll see you tomorrow!"

I ran out of the yard, leaving Master sitting on the porch. Master taught me a life lesson and I was happy about it. it was easier than his brutal physical training he always put me through. Though he wasn't as brutal as Kyojuro was. I looked forward to the end of this mission where I could go see Kyojuro the next day. But I would always keep in mind Master's words. Kyojuro as a Hashira. He needed space. I continued running to my destination. To slay a demon and keep everyone safe.

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