Summoned to Headquarters ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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Somebody was standing outside the door. I had no idea who it was, but I walked over and slid it open. On the other side was the pink-haired girl I saw before.

"Oh, um, is Master around?" She asked.

"Master? There's no Master here, just Kyo, Senjuro and I."

"Oh, that's so cute! You must be Fuji! Kyo! What an adorable nickname. Master Rengoku is lucky to have a pretty girl like you!"

"Oh, um, I guess you're looking for Kyojuro? He's in the yard. Are you... staying for lunch? Or is this a brief visit? Unless... you're here to train? I'm just asking because I'm making lunch, and..."

"If Kanroji is staying for lunch, then you will want to prepare twice as much for her as you do for me."

Kyo was walking into the room behind me. He stopped and put his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek.

"I thought you were in the yard." I said.

"I returned to check on lunch." He said with a smile.

Kanroji squealed and smiled. "Master! I'm so happy for you! I can see the love!"

"Thank you, Kanroji. Congratulations on becoming a member of the Demon Slayer Corps!"

"A new slayer? Glad to know our numbers are still growing. I'm going to continue with lunch, Kyo. Let Kanroji know where she'll be able to find you after the move. See you in a bit, you two." I went back into the kitchen with Senjuro, and we continued to prepare lunch together.

"Was that Miss Kanroji?" Senjuro asked.

"It was. She came to see Kyo. He said we need to make more food."

"Yes, Miss Kanroji eats a lot. We will need to make much more."

"Alright, let's get it ready."

Senjuro and I worked away in the kitchen, while Kyo and Kanroji caught up. We brought lunch out to the yard, and the two were fighting with bokken. I watched as Kyojuro pushed her hard. He was as rough with her as he was with me. I could understand now a little more about his training method. Was that how his father was with him?

They noticed us with lunch and Kanroji begged for a break. Kyojuro almost didn't let her stop, but, once Senjuro mentioned the satsumaimo, he was willing to stop. I laughed because it was such a Kyojuro thing to do.

Before long, a crow flew into the yard, announcing that the Flame Hashira was being summoned. Kyojuro frowned and excused himself, entering the house.

"Father has been neglecting his duty lately, and Brother is getting frustrated." Senjuro said.

"It's nice to meet you, Kanroji."

"Please, call me Mitsuri." She said.

"Alright, Mitsuri, you can call me Rika."

Mitsuri blushed and smiled. "A new friend. I'm so happy!"

A crashing sound could be heard from inside, and I stood, but Senjuro grabbed my haori.

"It's alright, it's just Father." He said.

I sat back down and waited. After some time, Kyojuro emerged from the house and knelt on the porch. He was frowning at the ground and stayed silent. How unusual for him.

"Kyo?" I asked.

"I'm going to headquarters. I'll be back." He said. Kyojuro then stood and walked out of the yard.

"I wonder if he meant he was going to answer the summons for the Flame Hashira." Mitsuri said.

"I'm going to go home. Senjuro and Mitsuri, I am sorry to leave like this." I said.

"It's alright, Rika. I'm happy you visited me today." Senjuro said.

I got up and left the yard as well. Making my way home, I was thinking about Kyojuro. He was very upset. I hadn't seen him like that before.

I sat on the porch, getting the most out of the fresh air. The fresh air felt good on my skin. I didn't like the hot temperature that came from Kyojuro. It was very unlike him.

Hours later, Kyojuro walked through the yard in silence. I watched him as he went into the house without saying a word. I followed, worried about him. Inside, he sat at the dining table and I sat beside him.

"Kyo? Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yes. I have an assignment."

I jumped up. "Oh! Then let me get you some-"

He quickly grabbed my wrist. I was surprised and fell to the floor. His eyes widened, and he scooped me up and set me on his lap.

"I apologize. I didn't mean for that to happen. I just wanted you to stay here with me."

"Alright." I said, snuggling up against his chest.

"My assignment is to kill one of the twelve demon moons."

I gasped. "Kyo..."

"Yes. If I can defeat it, I'll become a Hashira."

"You can do it, Kyo. I know you can."

"There are two possible outcomes." He said.

I knew what they were, but I refused to acknowledge one. "The only outcome is that when I next see you, Kyo, you'll be a Hashira."

He stood and pulled me up. "I love you, Rika. I'm leaving now. You will see me soon, my love." Then he kissed me.

"I'll see you..." I said as he walked out of the room. "Please come home to me Kyo... I love you with all of my heart."

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to sleep that night, knowing my Kyojuro was fighting and possibly for his life. No. I had to have faith. He was powerful and fast. He would emerge victorious. He had to.

My entire night was filled with nightmares. I woke up several times fully believing they were real.

Finally, it was morning, and I went outside, to swing my sword and get some practice in. I unleashed my speed and cut the bamboo in multiple rounds. I continued to do so, and to push myself to my limit, and even to push past it.

A crow flew overhead, and it wasn't Korin. I looked up and saw Kaname. Kyojuro's crow. What was he here for? My stomach tightened and my fear almost consumed me as I waited for his announcement.

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