Ice Breathing ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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"Today, Kyo, I'm going to show you my Ice Breathing forms. We've had several missions together, but you have seen maybe two of my forms. I'll show you them all today."

"I have been looking forward to seeing more forms of Ice Breathing. It's quite a sight." Kyojuro said.

We were in the yard, and I had my sword in my hand, unsheathed. For some reason, I was very nervous about this. I didn't know why, but I felt like I was telling Kyojuro my deepest secrets.

"I'll go in order. First form: Frozen Sheer Cold. I strike with my sword in a horizontal slash, the easier most basic form for decapitating demons."

I stepped forward toward the bamboo and sliced sideways. The top half of the bamboo fell to the ground. I turned back to Kyojuro, and he smiled.

"Second Form: Glacial Slashing Barrier. I swipe with my sword sideways, then up and down. It creates a barrier of sorts. I'll show you."

I swung my sword sideways and back, and then up and back down. The movement was fast enough to have been a deflection of an oncoming attack.

"Good for defending, and for pushing the enemy back." He said.

"You've seen the next one several times. It's Third Form: Cold Flash. I charge forward, and the footwork is so fast that I'm able to strike multiple targets at once. I've been practicing this one a lot."

I turned back to the bamboo and sprinted forward, and cut the bamboo tops off in a star pattern.

"Well done! You've come a long way using that form since we first met." Kyojuro said.

"Thank you, Kyo. Fourth Form is Flying Cold Snap. I slice upwards in a three strike attack, and it's good to defend from an attack from above, because sometimes demons like to jump in the air."

I swung my sword upwards in front of me, continuing the slice over my head, and then back, and jumped and sliced again higher up.

"That was beautifully done!" Kyojuro said.

"Fifth Form: Blizzarding Air Dance Illusion!"

I dropped my sword, charged forward at Kyojuro and moved around him, back and forth. I knew he would recognize this move.

He laughed and caught me as I attempted to jump over him. He knew me so well, he knew the timing of when I was going to go above him. We crashed to the ground, laughing.

"I know this one very well." He said.

"The user "dances" around their target so fast that the target is unable to pinpoint their location, making it easy to strike by surprise. It's my favorite move. Ice breathing is less about powerful attacks like Flame Breathing, and not even speed like Thunder Breathing. It's more about footwork and illusions. If you can move your feet fast enough, you can catch your enemies by surprise."

"Ice Breathers are beautiful." He said.

I laughed. "Do you mean Ice Breathing?"

"Do I? I believe I said Ice Breathers are beautiful."

"So, Master is beautiful?" I asked.

"Hmm. Perhaps I should rephrase. My Ice Breather is beautiful." Then he kissed me.

"Always yours, Kyo."

"Just as I am always yours. Whats the next form?" He stood, pulling me up with him.

I went back to my sword on the ground, picking it up. Then jumped onto the wall surrounding the yard.

"Next is Sixth Form: Icicle Drop." I jumped into the air and sliced downward from midair. "This is useful to attack from above or to break a fall."

Kyojuro went to the porch and sat down to watch my next demonstration.

"Seventh Form: Storming Ice Shard Blast. I haven't fully mastered this one, because it's different from a lot of the other forms, but it's another illusion type form. The user stabs with their sword many times so fast that it looks like ice shards flying at you. Useful for a quick end to a frontal attack, I guess."

I went back to the bamboo and stabbed it with my sword. I stabbed quickly, but I wasn't so fond of using this form, and I used it so very little. I hadn't mastered it just yet, and I didn't know what Kyojuro was seeing.

"Wonderful strikes!" He shouted.

"Ice Breathing has eight forms, so this is the last one. Eighth Form: Frozen Flying Glacier."

I jumped into the air, twisting around in a circle and sliced with my blade. The swirling motion was perfect for attacks on all sides.

"Well done. I'm happy to see that my teaching has sunk in. You performed those beautifully, Rika."

I turned, wide-eyed at the voice of Master, who appeared in the window. "Master! I didn't know you were watching."

"I heard you were demonstrating Ice Breathing today, so I wanted to see what you had learned. After all, I only trained you, and had never seen you in action before."

Kyojuro looked at the window and smiled. "Hello there!"

"Just a moment, Rika. I'm coming outside." Master said.

He disappeared from the window and made his way through the house to come outside. Kyojuro and I both heard a loud thud coming from inside the house and a groan from Master.

"Master!" I shouted.

We both stood and ran inside. We found Master on the floor. Kyojuro approached him and knelt down, offering an arm to help him up. Master shook his head.

"I'm alright, my old bones don't cooperate with me like they used to. Rika, would you mind making some tea for me? Kyojuro, you stay here a moment." Master said.

"Yes, of course, Master!" I got up and went down the hallway to the kitchen.

I prepared Master's tea and put it in a cup for him. I carried it down the hallway and into the dining room, then went back to where Master and Kyojuro were. I could hear a quiet conversation happening, but couldn't make out what they were saying. I slowly approached, and their words came clearer, then I stopped where they couldn't see me.

"Can you do that for me?" Master asked.

"Yes, of course." Kyojuro said.

"Thank you. This old man is counting on you, Kyojuro."

"Are you sure-"

"Rika, you can stop lurking and come into the room." Master said.

"I just didn't want to interrupt you guys. Master, your tea is in the dining room. Would you prefer I bring it to you here in your room?"

"No, no, I'll be alright. Let's go enjoy the day in the dining room."

Master stood and limped his way to the dining room, and I followed close behind. I turned back and Kyojuro was still kneeling and frowning at the floor.

"Kyo, are you coming?" I asked.

"In a moment." He said, slowly rising.

"Come, Rika, give Kyojuro his space."

We went into the dining room and sat at the table. "Are you sure you're alright, Master?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Don't worry so much about me. I'm old."

Kyojuro came into the room with a smile, as if whatever had happened in Master's room hadn't happened. He sat down at the table in his usual cheerful way.

"I'm hungry!" He announced.

"You're always hungry, Kyo." I laughed. "Let's have lunch. I'll go prepare it."

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