| Chapter Thirty-Seven | Searching

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Kaname flew into the yard, and I looked at him.

"Hi Kaname, where's Kyo?"

"The Rengoku house calls to you. You have been requested!"

"Oh, I guess Kyo needed some time and went to the Rengoku house." I said.

I went inside and got into a travel kimono, then left the house.

I slowly walked to the Rengoku house, unsure of how I would greet Kyo. Our last conversation didn't go so well, and he had thrown the jar of sake at the wall. I didn't like seeing him so angry. It wasn't like him.

When I got to the Rengoku house, Senjuro was sitting on the porch, staring at the ground. When I approached, he looked up at me and smiled sadly.

It worried me, because normally he greeted me by jumping up and running into my arms.

"Rika, it's nice to see you here."

"Hey, Senj. Where's Kyo?" I asked.

His smile faded, and he stood and went into the house. I climbed up onto the porch and the door slid open again and Senjuro walked out carrying Kyo's haori.

I watched as he unfolded it to reveal his sword, and he continued to unfold it. My heart sank at the next thing that was revealed.

I reached out and picked up a bunch of tied hair. Red and blonde. Kyojuro's hair. Tears filled my eyes at the realization of Kyojuro cutting his hair. Why would he do such a thing?

"Where is he?" I asked as I looked up at Senjuro.

Senjuro shook his head, and then his eyes glistened.

"It's my fault..." I said.

"Why would he do this? It isn't your fault, but why would he cut his hair? It's always supposed to have been Rengoku pride. When our hair gets long, it turns red." Senjuro said.

I turned to the yard and looked around.

"Kaname? Are you around?" I called.

He flew from the tree and landed on the ground beside me. I glanced down at him, and it was strange that he was here, without Kyojuro.

"Do you know where Kyojuro is?" I asked.

Kaname nodded, but made no move to fly forward. I knelt in front of him and held my arm out. Kaname stepped forward and up onto my arm.

"Can you please take me to him?" I asked.

Kaname shook his head again. If Kyojuro has requested Kaname to keep his location a secret, he would follow those orders above anyone else's.

"Is Kyojuro alright?" I asked.

"He is not injured." Kaname said.

Not injured. But not alright. I carried Kaname to the porch and sat down. I set him down beside me and I leaned forward. Tears filled my eyes again, and sobs escaped from me. If I hadn't done what I had, Kyojuro wouldn't have cut his hair and left.

Where was he? How long would he be away? I needed to see him, to talk to him. To tell him I love him. I caused all of this because of that stupid dream I had. I had to let it go. Giyu was only my best friend. That's reality. Kyo was here and alive, and I loved him.

Senjuro sat beside me, and I stared at the bunch of hair in my hand. Kyojuro cut his hair... I couldn't imagine seeing Kyo with short hair.

Senjuro reached up and felt his hair tied behind his head. I looked up at him, and he fidgeted with it. He took a deep breath and looked over at me.

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