| Chapter Sixteen | Mistake

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"Why would Rengoku do this?" I mumbled.

"What did he do? And why are you calling him Rengoku?" Giyu asked.

I looked around and realized we weren't in my yard. "Giyu? What are you talking about? I meant about what happened last night."

Giyu looked at me with a blank expression. "What are you talking about?"

"Kyojuro and the girl last night. The way he cheated on me." I said.

Giyu frowned. "He cheated on you? Last night? You were with me last night. What are you talking about? It must have been a nightmare. You're dwelling too much on that rumour you heard at the mansion. Rengoku wouldn't do that. He's too... good. He would never be unfaithful, Rika. It was a dream, nothing else."

It all made sense now. We weren't at my house, I thought I wore Giyu's haori, and Giyu didn't know what I talked about.

"Kyojuro!" I said with relief and ran ahead.

Giyu caught up and ran alongside me. I ran all the way home and made it in record time. I found Kyojuro swinging his sword in the yard.

"Kyo!" I shouted, and ran forward. He turned with a smile and dropped his sword to catch me as I jumped at him.

I kissed him hard, happy to see him, and to know that what I experienced last night was only a dream. Giyu was right. Kyo would never do that to me.

"This is a great surprise." Kyo said.

"I love you so much, Kyojuro Rengoku." I said, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Rika."

"I'm just going to... go home..." Giyu said.

I jumped down from Kyojuro's grasp and ran to Giyu and hugged him. His eyes widened, and I saw his gaze meet Kyojuro's.

"Thank you, Giyu."

"For what?" He asked.

"For being my best friend. I love you too."

Giyu hugged me back stiffly. I could tell he waited for Kyojuro's response. I turned my head to look at Kyojuro and winked at him. He smiled and picked up his sword and swung again.

I said goodbye to Giyu and turned to Kyojuro. "I hope you know I meant I love him like family."

"Of course!" Kyojuro said.

Kyojuro and I spent the afternoon together, training. Before I knew it, it was night, and we had no assignments, so we went to bed.

I woke up in the morning to Kyojuro's haori laying over me. I smiled and grabbed it and wrapped it around me. It smelled like Kyo and it was so good. I went to the rack that held my uniform after getting up. I got dressed and left my haori on the rack and put Kyojuro's over my shoulders. The reflection in the mirror made me laugh. My snowflake tsuba being caressed by Kyojuro's flame haori. It was still over my shoulders as I left the room. I wanted to see his reaction to it. After I opened the door, I saw Kyo standing outside.

I walked toward him and was about to call out his name when I noticed he was talking to someone. I couldn't hear what he said, but I could see that the woman he spoke to seemed upset.

She wore our uniform, so I knew she was a demon slayer. What did this demon slayer want? Was she in need of help from a Hashira? She was lucky to have come across Kyojuro. He would absolutely be willing to help her.

She grabbed his arms, and she took a step forward and seemed to talk frantically. Kyo put his hand on her shoulders. No doubt telling her to relax.

She leaned forward, closer to him, and put her arms around his neck, and her face met his, and she kissed him. I moved closer to look at him. His eyes were closed and his arms were around her.

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