A Celebratory Meal ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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"Try this." Kyojuro said. "They use these to eat in the west."

I looked down at what he was passing to me, and it was some sort of metal tool. It looked funny, like a small comb. I took it in my hands and held what I thought was the handle.

"Not like a chopstick, you hold it like this." He picked one up and held it in his hands, almost like the way we would hold a sword. That was strange.

"Then how do we use it?" I asked.

"It's called a fork. You poke your food with it."

My eyes widened. "Why would we poke it? We never poke our food."

"It's how they eat in the west. Watch this." He held up his fork and stabbed his salmon. I cringed at the damage he did to his piece of food. The salmon stuck to the fork, and then he put it in his mouth.


I looked down at the fork in my hand. Why would I impale my food like that? My chopsticks would just pick it up for me. I put my fork to the salmon and pressed it into it, and then held it up and looked at it.

"Yes, just like that!" Kyo said.

I put the fork in my mouth and I had to use my teeth to pull the piece of salmon off the fork. The way my teeth were sliding on the metal was weird.

"I don't think I like the fork." I said.

"Chopsticks are certainly easier to use." He said, then passed me a pair of chopsticks.

"Thanks." I said.

I held the chopsticks, more comfortable with how they felt in my hand. I picked up the next piece of salmon and continued to eat. Kyojuro took another bite of salmon using the fork.


"You like using the fork?" I asked.

"No! But it is a new experience!" I could tell he was in a good mood.

"You seem delighted today, Kyo." I said.

"Of course! I have you here to eat dinner with on my birthday!"

"I'm glad you're happy, Kyo. You deserve it." I said, taking a bite of my harumaki.

He looked at me and smiled. My sunshine. He made everything bright and warm. I looked at his eyes again, and they were looking right into mine. He took another bite of food, and his eyes never left mine.


I lifted my harumaki to my mouth, and he was watching me and smiling. He looked like he was about to laugh.

"Rika." He said, smiling and trying not to laugh.

"Yes?" I took another bite and the contents of my harumaki spilled out onto my plate.

Kyojuro did laugh, and then he spoke. "Nevermind. I am too late. I was going to warn you that you already took a bite from the other end and your food was going to fall apart."I laughed too. I was so distracted that I didn't realize I had already taken a bite on the other end.


"If I am too much of a distraction for you, I suppose I can go eat in the other room." He laughed.

"Kyo!" I laughed. "Just stop being so handsome." I said.

"Maybe I will dye my hair black, then." He said.

"Don't you dare!" I said.

"I know how much you like my hair, and so black hair would be less handsome for you." He laughed.

"Kyojuro Rengoku. It isn't possible for you to be less handsome to me. Black hair, black eyes, anything of yours could change, but you would still be my handsome Kyo."

He smiled again, this time with a tilted head. It made my heart want to explode. Kyojuro was perfect the way he was.

We finished our meal and went out to the yard to practice our sword swings. I had completed one hundred swings and then looked over at Kyojuro. He was swinging in many directions.

I charged toward him holding my bokken up and he turned to me, surprised, holding his bokken up in defense. He quickly dropped it, then reached his arms out. When I reached him, he moved forward and grabbed my waist. He twisted, and we both went down. I landed on top of him and he laughed.

"That was a surprise." He said.

"How am I still not fast enough?" I asked.

"Let me show you how to be fast." He said.

He quickly put his arms around me and rolled and ended up on top of me. Then he put his hands on each side of my head and pushed back so that his weight wasn't fully on me.

"How was that?" He asked.

"It was all right, but-"

He leaned forward and kissed me hard. His hair fell forward, and I felt the softness of it on my cheek. I reached up and put my hands in it.

I ran my hands through his hair, then down his neck, and around to his back, and then down his sides.

He shivered and groaned. "That feels very good." He said.

"And what about this?" I asked, kissing his neck.

Then I let my tongue pass through my lips and it touched his neck. I felt his body quiver again, and I could feel his excitement pressing into me. My hand continued down his side and around to his belly, and continued down.

He pulled back very quickly. "Oh dear god, Rika. If we continue this, I won't be able to stop myself."

"Who said I wanted to stop?" I asked.

He got off of me and sat cross-legged beside me on the ground. "I want this, Rika, I do. I want you in every way." He said.


"I want to be married to you first." He said.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I thought about what he said. He wanted to be married to me. Would I really become Rika Rengoku one day? I smiled at the thought of that.

"Alright, Kyojuro. We will hold back until we're married."

He quickly looked at me. "But that doesn't mean I don't want kisses or your hands on me like that!"

I laughed. "Kyojuro, I love you."

I reached out for him and he came close and put his arms around me. "I love you too, my Rika."

"You haven't worn your haori in a long time." He said.

"It so torn that I don't bother with it anymore. I'll eventually find a new haori. I like wearing one."

"You look good in a haori too." He said

"Lord Kyojuro! You have a mission!" His crow flew down and called out.

"Good thing this didn't come until the end of the day. I'm glad we could celebrate your birthday, Kyo. When you're finished your mission, come back here, I'll have lunch and dinner for you again tomorrow!"

"Thank you! I will certainly be back here for food." He smiled.

"Glad food motivates you so much." I laughed.

He kissed me then turned and walked away. "But the real reason I'm coming back, will be because you're here!"

"I'll be waiting for you..." I whispered as he walked away, recieving his instructions from his crow.

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