Caring For Kyojuro ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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I went to check on Kyojuro before I went to bed, and he was still asleep. That satisfied me and went back to the door to leave the room. I stopped and turned back to Kyojuro's sleeping form in the bed.

My feet took me toward the bed and I stopped on the other side. I crawled up onto the bed and laid down, looking at his beautiful face. He was relaxed, and I enjoyed seeing this version of Kyojuro. I laid there, watching him breathe deeply, and I could tell he was still using Total Concentration while he slept. My eyes closed, and I fell asleep.

My eyes snapped open, and the room was quiet. I was about to sit up, but there was a weight on my side. I lifted my head and found Kyojuro's arm over me. Kyojuro either woke up sometime while I was asleep and found me beside him, or he just sensed me there. I rolled over to look at him again, and he was still asleep. I lifted the blanket and crawled under, then moved closer to Kyojuro. His arm around me tightened and pulled me even closer. My eyes closed again, and I fell asleep lying next to my Kyo.

Birds were chirping, and I felt something tickling my head. I opened my eyes, and light filled the room. My gaze landed on Kyojuro. He was looking right at me and was stroking my hair. I gasped and tried to get up, but he grabbed me and tried to hold me close. I saw a slight wince in his eyes, and I stopped trying to fight his grasp.

"Kyo, I'm sorry. I fell asleep, and then I woke up in the middle of the night and your arm was around me and-"

"I'm not sorry." He said. "I was happy to wake and find you beside me this morning. A wonderful sight to wake to. So beautiful." He smiled.

"I didn't hurt your arm, did I?" I asked, gently grabbing his arm to inspect it.

"I'm fine! Come closer." He pulled me in close and kissed me on the forehead. "You don't know how happy this makes me, learning that you wanted to lie with me like this."

I suddenly remembered Kyojuro's wrapped chest, and his injury there. I sat up and grabbed his robe and opened the front, revealing his chest.

He laughed. "Rika, I said come closer, not undress me. Didn't we agree to wait until marriage?"

"Kyojuro!" I scolded. "I'm only checking your wound."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." He said.

"I will be checking that later." I didn't know what I'd be checking, because I was still not knowledgeable in first aid. Looks like I had some research to do.

I laid back down and put my arm around Kyojuro. I kissed his cheek, and he smiled. "This is nice. A wonderful morning." He said.

"I'm happy like this." I said. Kyojuro's stomach growled, and I laughed. "Alright, let's go have breakfast."

We both got up and out of bed. Kyojuro was still tired, and I could tell by how slowly he moved he was in pain. I went to his side and held his arm. "I think I'd like you to lie down, Kyo." He protested like I knew he would. "No. If you don't lie down, I'm not making you any breakfast. I mean it, Rengoku. Lie down."

"Rengoku?" He looked at me with a tilted head. "I guess you are serious. Alright, I'll lie down this morning, but as for this afternoon, I'm getting up."

That was a compromise I was willing to make. "Fine. Stay here. I'll go get your breakfast." I turned and headed toward the door.

"Kyo." He said.

"What?" I turned back to look at him.

"You forgot to say Kyo."

"I'll be back with your breakfast." I said, teasing him. He watched me, waiting. "Kyo."

He smiled, satisfied, and then sat on the edge of the bed. I watched him cover himself back up with the blanket and then I turned and left the room. I went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast.

Egg and Miso soup. It was very easy, and I knew Kyo would like it. I made enough for Kyo to have as many bowls as he wanted, because I knew that man could eat. Master and I would only have one bowl. In total, I probably made enough for a ten person breakfast.

I set three bowls on one tray, and one bowl on another. I got Master's breakfast tea ready and set it on his tray. First, I took Master's breakfast to him in his room and he thanked me as I walked out of his room.

I put another cup of tea on the tray with the three bowls and picked it up, carrying it to Kyo's room. I set it down at the table beside him and went over to the desk in the room. Kyojuro picked up a bowl and began to eat.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Kyo asked.

"I will. I have to do something first." I said.

I grabbed some paper and a pen and sat down at the desk.


I turned and smiled at Kyojuro. At least he was enjoying his breakfast. I turned back to my paper and thought about what I wanted to write.


I laughed and knew exactly what I wanted to write.


Your brother is really enjoying his food as I write this. He has been injured but is alright. He is here with me at my home, and he is being taken care of. You don't need to worry about Kyojuro. When he's recovered, we will travel back to the Rengoku residence.

I folded up the paper and went to the window. "Korin!" I called out. She flew down, and I put the paper in her beak. "Take this to Senjuro Rengoku. Thank you so much Korin." And then she flew away.

"What did you send to Senjuro?" Kyo asked.

"I just wanted to let him know that you're alright, and he doesn't need to worry."

Kyo smiled at me. "Thank you, Rika."

"For what?"

"For caring about my younger brother as much as I do." He said.

"Of course, Kyo. I love Senjuro."

"Come. Sit with me and eat, won't you?"

I grabbed one bowl of soup and I sat next to Kyo on the bed. "That other bowl is yours, and there's more. Just let me know if you want it."

Kyojuro and I ate our breakfast together while he continued to tell me just how much he liked it.

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