Farewell ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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I opened the door to the Rengoku household and called out. "Kyo? Senj?"

Senjuro came running out and hugged me. "Rika! It's nice to see you! But I thought Brother was already with you."

"What? No. He's not with me. I came here hoping to see him."

"Brother said that he was going to see you today when he left the house hours ago."

"Oh. Okay." I said. "I haven't been home yet. After my mission, I came here. I guess I'll go home and see if he's there."

Senjuro's eyes widened, and he ran out of the room.

"Uh, Senjuro?"

He ran back and peeked his head around the corner. "Wait just a minute. I thought of something I want to give you." And he disappeared back around the corner.

"Okay." I laughed. I loved young Senjuro. He was so precious. Kyo was very lucky to have him as a little brother.

"Here." His voice reached me before he came back around the corner. Senjuro walked into the room holding a small package. "I want you to have these. I made them this morning. You can eat them while you walk home. I'm assuming you haven't eaten breakfast yet. Am I right?"

"Oh Senjuro, sweet boy. Thank you so much. No, I haven't eaten yet. How about I sit here with you and eat?"

A smile lit up his face. "I would love that."

"Let's go sit outside! It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining so bright."

Senjuro nodded, and we walked outside and sat on the porch. I opened the wrapped package and found three rice balls.

"How are you this morning, Senj?" I asked.

"I'm good. You're here, I'm happy. Brother was eager to leave the house this morning, and father has been home all day."

I glared at the door after taking a bite of the rice ball. Shinjuro. I disliked him, and how he treated his children. I thought of Master and how he was firm with me, but never abusive.

"It's okay, Senjuro. Why don't you go shopping today? I would stay with you, but I need to get back and see Kyojuro at my home."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be fine. I'm just happy that I saw you and talked to you today. Seeing you always makes me happy, because you make Kyojuro happy."

I finished the rice balls and turned to Senjuro. "Thank you for the meal."

"You're welcome. I won't be surprised if you eat again when you get home. My brother likes to eat."

I laughed. "He sure does! I'd better get going now, though. I'll see you next time I visit!"

I stood and jumped down from the porch, waving as I left the yard.

"Bye, Rika!" Senjuro called out.

I went home, running the entire way to save time. I entered the yard at the front of the house and Kyojuro was sitting on the porch, looking at the ground in front of him.

"Kyo!" I was happy that he visited me.

He looked up at me, and his face didn't hold his usual expression of happiness. He stood up and watched me with a sad expression.

"Kyo, are you alright?" I asked, walking toward him.

"I... have something to tell you."

My heart raced as I froze mid-step. His voice was low, and he was very serious.

"Kyo, what's going on?"

"Come inside, Rika. This conversation should take place inside and with you sitting."

Kyojuro held his hand out, and I walked forward, grabbing it. He pulled me in for a hug. It wasn't his usual loving hug. It seemed that he meant it to be more of a comforting hug.

"I came across Master Goyoka this morning. He... had many words for me... and... instructions..."

He pulled out of the hug and kept his arm around me, guiding me into the house.

"Rika..." He said, staring at the ground.

"Kyo, you're scaring me. What's going on?"

"I don't mean to scare you. But you will not like what I have to say."

My racing heart continued, and I pulled away harshly from Kyojuro. He turned to me, wide eyed. I stopped at the porch just before we entered the house.

"Just say it, Kyojuro! What is going on!?" I shouted.

He sighed and then spoke. "Master Goyoka... has passed away."

I felt my body go cold. And then numbness. My legs seemed to freeze in place. I couldn't move. My gaze went from Kyojuro to the floor.

Master is dead? Master is dead. He's dead. I couldn't get that sentence to make sense to me. Master couldn't be dead. The words just don't go together.

And then warmth flowed through my body. Starting from my waist and then wrapping around me. I looked up and Kyojuro had his arms around me. He pulled me close to him and held me tight.

"He has been picked up, and they will bury him. We will have the funeral when you're ready." He said.

"Master is dead." I thought that maybe saying it out loud might help it sink in. "Master died. He's dead..."

A deep breath from Kyojuro and he continued to hug me. I stood there, in shock, unable to move. My legs stopped working and gave out from beneath me, and I fell to my knees. Kyojuro's grip tightened and he kept me from falling completely.

"This can't be true! I didn't get to say goodbye! I didn't get to see him! I thought everything was going to be alright! Kyo this is just a dream right? I just need to wake up."

"I'm so sorry, my love. I wish I could tell you that this was only a dream."

I took a deep breath and forced my legs to work and I stood steadily. Kyojuro's grip loosened and he pulled back to look at me. I pulled out of his grip and began to numbly walk through the door.

As I entered the house, I kept my eyes on the floor. I went to my room and to the bed. I sat down and stared at the floor. Flame patterned kyahan stopped in front of my vision, but I continued to stare.

"He raised me. I could have been stuck in a life that he helped me out of. He saved me..."

I laid down and began to cry. My shoulders shook from my sobs. I cried so hard that I couldn't hear anything around me.

Warmth wrapped around me again, and then something strong tightened around me. My body was lifted and turned around. I snuggled into Kyojuro's warm body and cried into his chest.

"Let it out. I'm here, and I will continue to be here for you, my love."

Kyojuro and I laid on my bed while I cried and cried. It had to have been hours, but he patiently waited while I cried. Just another reason my Kyojuro was so perfect.

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