| Chapter Twenty-Six | Life or Death

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I stood in the yard, waiting and thinking. I wanted to tell Kyojuro about my pregnancy earlier, but I failed. Why did I always fail to tell him what I needed to in the moments I planned? It was early afternoon, and I hoped Kyojuro would be home in time for dinner. Unless they assigned him a mission, then he might not have time for dinner.

I paced as I continued to think. Kyojuro was going to be a father! I couldn't wait to tell him. I was sure he would be thrilled. He had talked about it often, and he was eager for it to happen. I felt the air change, and somebody warm came around the corner.

"Kyo! You're home!" I said.

I ran to him, and he opened his arms, holding me close. He kissed the top of my head and I pulled away from him, looking up. He smiled like he always did, and it warmed my heart.

"I have an assignment." He said.

"When do you have to leave?" I asked.

"Right now. I came home to see you before I left. And to tell you how much I love you." He leaned down and kissed me. I pulled him close and held him tight.

"You have to go now? You can't wait until dinner? I don't want you to be hungry."

"I will have dinner at a shop near the station." He said.

"Station?" I asked.

"Yes! I have to investigate what is happening. There have been many deaths. Some of those deaths include members of the Demon Slayer Corps."

"Oh, so they've decided to send in a Hashira."

"Yes! And I will dispatch the demon that is causing these deaths."

"Of course you will. Good luck Kyo! I'll be waiting for your return."

"I will see you tomorrow, my love." He kissed me again and left the yard.

I missed my chance once again to tell him I was pregnant. I could never find the right moment. I spent the rest of the day cleaning and organizing the house, hoping Kyojuro would be back by the morning so I could make him breakfast.

I went to bed, thinking about Kyojuro on his mission. Kyojuro would make sure the demon stopped killing slayers. My Kyo was an amazing man, and his bravery knew no limits. I fell asleep thinking about how much I loved him.

The next morning, I stood in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. I planned on making a lot in case Kyojuro came home. I brought it to the dining room when I heard feet walking outside. Kyojuro was home! I wanted to know more about his assignment.

I ran to the door and opened it, running into a surprised Kyojuro. His wide-eyed expression turned into a smile when he saw me, and he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's nice to see you home, safe, Kyo." I said.

"I have to leave again later this afternoon, but I wanted to come home and see you again before I left." He said.

"How did your mission go?" I asked.

Kyojuro walked, keeping one arm around me, and we went out to the porch and he picked me up and sat down with me in his lap. He kissed my cheek and then kissed my nose.

"I killed a demon, but I'm sure it wasn't the one I was searching for. The one I killed, it died too easily. If we have demon slayers among the amount of people that have been killed, it couldn't have been that demon. It is likely a more powerful demon."

"You think it is one of the twelve?" I asked.

I frowned as I got off his lap and sat beside him so I could watch his expression.

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