| Chapter Nine | In Love With the Flame

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"Hi, Kyo!" I said when I found him.

"Hello, Rika, it is nice to have a mission with you again."

He walked, and I followed, assuming that he knew where we were going. I looked forward to showing off my techniques.

"Yes, it's been a while. I've been spending time with Tomioka, and he started training with me."

"I am pleased you've been able to make a new friend. The Water Hashira will be a valuable training companion! I have been busy, and so training with you myself hasn't been an option. Regardless, I am happy we can see each other during missions we're assigned together."

"Tomioka asked me to be his Tsuguko..." I said.

Kyojuro stopped walking and whipped his head around to look at me. His eyes were wide, and his expression was one of astonishment.

"You're the Tsuguko of a Hashira now. Congratulations, Rika!" He said, his excitement somehow sounded forced.

"Um, well, not exactly. I told him I needed time to decide."

"Why?" His smile dimmed.

"Because... I like training with you. If I become Tomioka's Tsuguko, I have to stop training with you."

His smile returned. It was so bright my heart did a brief flutter. This was so new to me. I didn't know that this was what it felt like to be in love. It somewhat made my resolve waver even more. How could I become committed to training with Tomioka when I didn't want to give up my time with Kyojuro?

"Did you hear me?" He asked.

My eyes focused again, and he was looking at me with unease. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice him speak.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"If I was a Hashira, I would also ask you to become my Tsuguko." My face turned red, and I looked away while he continued. "You are quite skilled and to have a Tsuguko like you... I don't blame Tomioka for asking. I have a request."

"What is it?"

"Whether or not you choose to become his Tsuguko. Let that decision come from your heart. Do what your heart wants you to do. That will ensure you make the decision that makes you happy."

He probably thought I focused my heart on becoming a Hashira, and I would want to choose Tomioka and his training. What I actually wanted was to continue training with Kyojuro. Kyojuro would become a Hashira one day. Would that day come before I became one? It would. I knew it. Kyojuro said that if he were a Hashira, he would have asked me. Kyojuro's Tsuguko.

"I need to think about it, but I will work hard either way." I said, taking a step forward.

He followed me as I walked. We needed to focus on our mission. Kyojuro took the lead and explained the mission assigned to us.

"We're going to the forest. A demon has wandered in, and we can't allow it to harm the people living in the nearby village."

"Um, Kyo, why did I meet you in the flower garden?" I asked.

"It was where I was when I got my orders." He said.

Why was Kyojuro in a flower garden? That was unusual. But, my Kyojuro was a little unusual sometimes. I stopped walking and choked. What was I thinking? He wasn't my Kyojuro.

Kyojuro stopped and turned. "Are you alright, Rika? Why did you stop?"

I glanced at Kyo and giggled. "I'm sorry, I just... I was thinking... and I... it doesn't matter, Kyo." I laughed again. "It was just foolishness."

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