A Chat With Master Goyoka ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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Kyojuro Rengoku

Rika's Master was a man named Yuki Goyoka. A fitting name for somebody who practiced Ice Breathing. To say I had some concerns was an understatement when he took me outside to talk, while he asked Rika to stay inside and finish eating.

We walked to the edge of the yard, so that if Rika was trying to listen, she couldn't, unless she was outside. He stopped and grabbed a bokken and threw it at me, then picked one up himself. I caught the one he threw and looked at it. Was he wanting to spar with me?

"Rengoku." He said to me.

"Kyojuro. You don't need to be formal with me, Master." I said.

He smiled. "Kyojuro. You understand, Rika is like a daughter to me, right?"

"Yes. She told me how you took her in and saved her life." I said.

"Then you know I want to make sure you care for her and love her. If she told you her story, then you know why I want to protect her."

"Yes. I love Rika. And-"

"I wanted her to have chosen the Water Hashira." He said.

I looked at him in confusion. I trusted Rika when she said there was nothing there between her and Tomioka. So why did Master Goyoka say she should have chosen him? Did Tomioka have feelings for her?

"Giyu is calm and composed. He would have been a good match for Rika." I tried not to frown, but failed. Master Goyoka noticed it and he continued talking. "You might not like this part of the conversation, but it needs to be said. What is it you can offer Rika? Why are you the one that she should give her heart to?"

"I love her." I said.

Master Goyoka raised his bokken and tried to strike me. I raised my own and blocked it. "That's not good enough, Kyojuro! What can you offer Rika?"

"I will love and cherish her. I will care for her. I'll be the shoulder she needs to lean on, I'll be the arms she can come to, I'll be the one she can cry on, and I'll be the one she can confide in! She can trust me to keep her heart safe." I said.

He raised his bokken again, and I tried to block but he disappeared. I ducked low, and his bokken swished over my head.

"What do you want from Rika? Because from what I saw, I can see one thing you want from her!"

I cringed, regretting the decision to allow myself to give in like that. I became a beast with Rika. I wanted more from her than just her body. I wanted her love, affection, trust, and honesty.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" He asked.

"I'll admit, I was acting on impulse. But I want Rika in every way. I want her to love me. I want her to trust me. She can count on me the be there whenever she needs be. She can come to me with any problems she has. I'll be happy to do anything for her."

"Then show me what you're willing to do for her!" He shouted.

He swung his bokken at me, and I blocked. Then he jumped in the air and kicked off my sword the way I've seen Rika do many times before. I knew what was coming next. He swung again, and I ducked and rolled.

"If you're not willing to fight me, then how can you prove you'd keep Rika safe!? I will never be satisfied with you, Kyojuro. Not until you show me your skills. You're not a Hashira. Giyu is! He has the better skills to keep my young Rika safe!"

I frowned again and prepared my stance. I jumped into the air and swung straight down, hard. He jumped to the side, and I charged forward, swinging my bokken, but let my legs slide and kicked his legs out from under him. He was on the ground on his butt and I stood there with my sword at his neck.

"I can keep Rika safe. I am not a Hashira, but I will be one day. My father is the current Flame Hashira, and I will succeed him. I will become the next Flame Hashira."

"That you will, my boy." He smiled. "Kyojuro, if you can accept all of Rika's flaws, then I can accept you as a son. You take good care of her, boy. I can see how much you love her. I have noticed the way you look at her, including the last time you were here. You defended her, you protected her. I don't care if you're a Hashira or not. I only want my little Rika to be taken care of and protected. I won't always be around, and so she needs someone strong. You will indeed become the next Flame Hashira, I have no doubt. I've seen your combat skills now, both armed and unarmed. You might even teach Rika a thing or two. But Kyojuro, if you want my blessing, you're going to do something for me."

"I will do absolutely anything." I said.

"I don't have much longer in this world."

I sighed. "Rika will be hurt. She loves you."

"But she has you. And I would be happy to see you in her future, as her husband, as a father to her children. I won't be there to see it, but can I count on you to make that happen?"

"I've chosen Rika. I didn't get into this temporarily. I plan for this to be a lifelong decision. As long as Rika will have me, I will be here. As her future husband, and future father, I will be here. We will grow old together and I will always be by her side." I said.

"Then promise me you will save the children for after your marriage. I've seen how... eager... you are."

I laughed. "Yes, of course. My morality will stop me from going that far until marriage. Rika is the first woman I have been this close to, and she will be the last, I can assure you."

"Thank you Kyojuro. You have my blessing. Let's go back inside before Rika comes out here to check on us."

We walked back into the house and Rika was waiting at the dining table, and greeted me with the smile I love so much. I leaned down to kiss her and sat beside her so we could finish dinner. I was happy her Master accepted me.

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