| Chapter Forty-seven | Mura

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"How do you know who I am? And how did you know about this village?" He asked.

His eyes were narrowed, and the resemblance between the man before me and my wife was surprising. I laughed at the sight. It was as if I was looking at a taller, male version of my wife. He was wearing a demon slayer uniform and no haori.

"I've been searching for you. I am Kyojuro Rengoku." I said.

His eyes widened and he knelt in front of me, bowed his head, and stayed in that position.

"I am sorry, Flame Hashira. I should have known. Please forgive me."

"Please, do not bow. There is no need." I said.

He raised his head and smiled at me. He stepped forward and knelt in front of the grave.

"Forgive me for my hostility. I am just surprised that another demon slayer has found me here. And now that I know a Hashira has been searching for me, I apologize. How can I help you, Lord Rengoku?"

I smiled, and then laughed. This was in a way, now my brother, and he was calling me Lord Rengoku.

"Please. Refrain from calling me Lord Rengoku. I would like you to call me Kyojuro." I said.

"Very well. Kyojuro, how can I help you?"

"What rank are you?" I asked.

"Kinoe, sir."

I turned back to look at the stone with Rika's name in it. I traced the characters, and smiled.

"I can see how much you love your sister." I said.

"Yes. She was a very important person to me. Unfortunately I failed her, and she went missing. And there is no way a six year old could survive alone out there. I made this grave so that I never forget the mistake I made that day."

"I assure you, Mura. You made no mistake." I said.

"I went wrong somewhere, because my sister is dead. She had her whole life ahead of her. She was supposed grow up, get married and one day have children."

I smiled brightly at that statement. Because I knew that she had in fact done all of those things.

"Mura, please listen to what I have to say. There is a reason I came looking for you."

"I am surprised you feel comfortable enough with me to call me by my given name, and to ask me to call you by yours." He said.

"Yes! I think you may be pleasantly surprised why that is the case." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"You willingly sacrificed your body to try to save your sister." I said.

"Yes, and I still wasn't able to save her."

He looked down at his arm and frowned. I shook my head and he looked back at me.

"You are incorrect. Rika has been through a lot, but she survived."

His eyes widened and he dropped to his knees. His eyes began to glisten and a smile spread across his face.

Kyojuro Rengoku  Ice Heart And Flame SoulWhere stories live. Discover now