| Chapter Twenty-Four | Demon Encounter

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It had been over a month since his birthday, and I waited at headquarters, and was just assigned my next mission. I stood with Giyu, as he listened to his crow instructing him.

"Lord Rengoku!" A girl's voice rang out to me. My head turned and Kyojuro stood with his arms crossed, his gaze down at a demon slayer.

"Hello!" He shouted in typical Kyo fashion.

I didn't know that Kyo was here. I thought he was already out on a mission. He left the house in the morning saying that he had an assignment.

"I'm happy to get to go on a mission with a Hashira. And even better, it's you, Lord Rengoku."

What did she mean by that? Why did she think it was better to be with Kyojuro? I agreed, but she had no reason to think that way.

"Lord Rengoku, are you eventually going to look for a suitable life partner?" She asked.

My teeth ground together at that. Sometimes I hated that outside of the Hashira, our marriage was not common knowledge.

"I don't need to search!" He said happily.

"So, what kind of woman are you looking for?"

He looked over at me, and I had to stop myself from glaring. There was no reason for me to be angry with him.

"I'll be right back." I said.

I took a few steps toward Kyojuro and the slayer when Giyu spoke up.

"Rika, that is nothing to- of course you're not listening..." He said as I walked away.

I reached Kyo and the girl he spoke to. "Hi, Kyo." I said to him, ignoring the slayer standing there.

"Hello! How are you today, Rika?" He smiled down at me.

"Lord Rengoku, you really are too kind." The slayer said to him, then turned to me. "How can you disrespect a Hashira like that? Address him properly!"

I ignored her again, but Kyojuro spoke up. "It's alright, you don't need to worry."

"Kyo, are you heading out on a mission with this demon slayer?" I said, putting my hand on his arm.

He smiled at me and said, "Yes! I don't think that it will take very long. I will likely be finished and return home by tonight."

"Take care then! Take this with you." I stood on my toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The slayer gasped. "How dare you! He's a Hashira!"

I turned and narrowed my eyes at her. "He's my Hashira!" I shouted.

"My love, take a breath. There's nothing to worry about." He said to me, enveloping me in a hug.

I shoved him away and turned. "Kyojuro Rengoku, if you don't care about our marriage, then fine. I'm going out on my mission." With my next words, I wanted to give him a bite. I turned my head and smiled. "And my next mission is with Giyu."

I knew he got jealous of me spending time with Giyu, even though there was nothing there. But I wasn't sure why I wanted to make him jealous to begin with.

Kyojuro sighed. "I'll be right back." He said to the wide-eyed slayer.

He put his arm around me and led me to a space where we were alone. He stopped and turned to me. His gaze looked down at mine with humor. I didn't know what he thought was so funny about this.

"Rika. What was that all about?" He asked.

"I just... I wish... Agh! Why does our marriage have to be such a secret? I'm tired of women trying to get too close to you."

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