| Chapter Thirty | Something About Giyu

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It had been a few months, and I pushed away everything I had felt. Giyu continued to check on me, but I allowed nothing more.

With Kyojuro, it was different. I fell in love with him. With Giyu, I didn't think it was love. It was only me searching for some comfort while I was lonely. I wouldn't put Giyu through that.

Did I fall for Giyu? In a way, yes. Because I enjoyed his company and his hugs were comforting. I liked the way it felt when his arms were around me.

It was nothing like Kyojuro. Kyojuro could make my heart race. I blushed, and I stammered. Giyu did none of that. No one could change the fact that my heart belonged to Kyojuro.

I went to the candle I had on a table and lit it. Kneeling, I bowed my head and closed my eyes. I pressed my hands pressed together.

"Kyojuro. I love you. I always will. You need to know this. Because you had such an impact on my life. Without you, I wouldn't be who I am." I whispered.

Warmth filled me, and I knew this feeling. Kyojuro. He was with me. I felt his warmth wrap around me like a blanket.

I smiled. I loved this feeling. When I felt his warmth and his love, I knew everything would be okay.

"Rika, my love."

I gasped. My eyes opened, and I searched for the source of the voice. It sounded like it was behind me. I turned around and my eyes widened. Kyojuro stood there, arms crossed, smiling down at me.

"Kyo..." I whispered.

"I have been able to witness something wonderful. You have grown our child within your body and you are now quite the sight!"

I stood up and ran forward. I wanted to know if it was real. His arms went around me as I crashed into him.

How could this be? Stuff like this just wasn't real. Yet here Kyojuro stood in front of me.

I sobbed, and he tightened his hug. Kyojuro was here. And I was in his arms. I wished this could last forever.

"Why did it end that way?" I asked.

"Do not dwell on the past. Look on, to your future."

"A future without you?" I asked.

"Yes. You need to allow yourself to move forward."

"How?" I asked.

"Look to your friends." He said.

"I only have Giyu." I said. And then a memory resurfaced. Of Giyu and I, a few months ago. I turned away, my face turning red.

"I know." Kyojuro said. "You can be happy again."

"I can't be. Not without you, Kyo." I said.

"You might find others who can do something similar."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I have to go, but please, smile for me." He said.

His hand caressed my cheek, and he smiled. I couldn't resist smiling back. Kyojuro was the one person who could make every bad feeling go away and leave me with nothing but happiness.

"Keep that smile for me, alright? I love you."

I knew what was coming. A farewell. Another one, and I wasn't ready. I didn't want to say goodbye to Kyo.

"Please don't leave me again!"

My arms tightened around Kyojuro as he faded from sight, and then my arms grasped nothing but air. I fell to my knees and bowed my head. Tears fell. I felt like I had just lost Kyojuro all over again. I sat down in the dining room.

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