| Chapter Forty-eight | Siblings

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Mura Fuji

I watched my sister, still not believing how much she looked like our mother. They were probably proud of her and how wonderful she was.

I turned back to look at the Flame Hashira in the yard. While I was familiar with Lord Tomioka and his breathing style, I wasn't familiar with the way each Hashira fought.

Lord Rengoku used his sword in a way that it seemed to provide its own strength. The swings had power in them, and I watched his confidence in his abilities. Lord Rengoku's presence was a little unnerving. It was nothing like Lord Shinazugawa, though. The man's air around him flowed with chaos, while Lord Rengoku's air was strength and determination.

Over the years I had found I could sense a person's energy, and if I paid close enough attention, I could tell what their personality was like. It was helpful when I fought demons. I could tell when they were going to use their abilities, because the air around them changed.

"So you've known the Flame Hashira for a while, haven't you?" I asked.

"Yes, and I love him, very much. We've been through a lot together."

"Good, because I better not find out he's been a poor husband. He's been good to you, right?" I asked.

"Yes." She said quickly.

I waited to hear more, but she said nothing. There was nothing but silence behind me.

I spun around, inspecting her. Rika was never able to lie around me, and I could always figure her out. The silence was telling me something.

"What are you not telling me, Rika?" I asked.

"Mura, please. Kyojuro has been wonderful." She said.

I looked into her eyes and she looked right back into mine. She only did that when she was trying to hide something, thinking that eye contact was the answer. When she wasn't lying, she just casually looked at whatever had her attention.

"Rika. I swear, if he has been unfaithful to you, or anything-"

"Mura! Stop. Kyojuro has never cheated on me."

She looked away, and I was satisfied. Maybe our time apart just had me misinterpreting her. I turned back to watch him in the yard.

"Good, then he's been a good husband." I said.

"Yes." She said.

That sound again. The strange silence behind her word. I took a step away from the window and at the hand I had fisted in front of me.

"Rika. You need to tell me what you're not telling me. And I need to know right now." I said.

Silence, and I turned to her. Her hand went to her cheek, and her eyes widened and she quickly dropped it then looked up at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, we just had a rough patch a few months ago, but it's alright now." She said.

Her energy changed, and it became fearful and worried. I glared at the floor, focusing on it. What was I missing?

"What happened?" I asked.

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