Training ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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I waited for a single movement, any sign that he was going to make a move. His eyes were on me, and he was doing the same.

I crouched slightly, getting into position to charge forward. His eyes narrowed and his hand twitched. I rushed forward in a flash.

"Your patience is thin!" He shouted.

I leaped over him, and he jumped to the side, raising his bokken to block. I would not strike him. Instead, I was trying to get him to expose his lower half.

Having tricked him, I smiled. He smiled back, and my heart wanted to melt. I kicked my legs out to make him fall, but he leaped into the air.

"You have indeed been watching me fight, haven't you?" He asked.

His bokken came down, and I blocked, but the blow was so strong that it pushed me down and I landed in the dirt again. I made no move to get up and sighed.

"Get up!" He shouted.

"But Kyo, I-"

"Get up." He said again.

"But we've been practicing all morning. It's noon."

"You wanted me to treat you like I would a student, right? Get up. You haven't landed a single blow on me."

"Ugh." I groaned. I asked him to do this. He was only following through with my request.

"When you hit me one hundred and fifty times, you can stop for lunch!" He said.

I grinned. "You're reminding me of Master when I was training to become a demon slayer."

Suddenly I remembered Master was gone, and my smile faded. Kyojuro didn't miss a thing, he noticed and quickly spoke up.

"Show me one hundred and fifty strikes!"

"Fine." I said.

He changed his stance and prepared for my strikes. I was still on the ground, but I lifted my leg and pushed one foot into the dirt. I kicked hard off the ground and charged forward. I went around Kyojuro so that he would turn. He didn't turn, but waited for my strike.

Damn it. He knew my style just as well as I knew his. I guess that made sense. We fought and trained together a lot. I was worried about hurting him this whole time. I was holding back because of that. He was rank Kinoe. He could handle my blows. But if I went all out, could he keep up with my speed? Only one way to find out.

I didn't even give him a chance to get into position; I charged forward, and he hardly raised his bokken in time to deflect. I ran around him, behind him, then over him, and one more time around him. It took just three seconds.

I watched him, and he was trying to pinpoint where I was. He thought I was behind him. No, I was above him. He looked up, his eyes went wide, and I kicked his arm. His bokken fell from his hand, and I landed behind him. I continued forward and slid to the ground, and he jumped, but I kicked hard to stand and ran around him. He grabbed my arm and held back my strike while he was in the air. I twisted and forced his grasp to let go. We both landed on our feet and he quickly went for his bokken. I charged forward to kick the bokken, but he was faster and my foot connected with his face. He fell to the ground, and I gasped.

"Kyojuro!" I said, dropping my bokken and crouching beside him.

He sat up, and I inspected his face. His nose was bleeding, but I didn't see any other damage. His eyes met mine, and he smiled. Some blood dripped from his mouth.

"You are fast." He said.

"What happened? Why is your mouth bleeding?" I asked.

His hand went to his mouth, and he inspected the blood that transferred to his hand. "I bit my tongue. I'm fine. Great work, Rika. You are a good training partner for me. This time, I won't underestimate your speed. Let's go again."

He stood up, and I frowned at him. "No, I need to take care of you."

"I'm fine."

"Your nose is bleeding. Or haven't you noticed?"

"Yes. I am aware. It will stop. It isn't broken."

"I've landed a hard blow. Can we stop for lunch? I'll make something with satsumaimo." I hoped this would work to give him a break. Or at least to wait until his nose stopped bleeding.

"Fine. We stop for lunch. But after lunch, you are going to land one hundred and fifty strikes on me. But this time I will account for your speed."


"This house is mine now, so..." I was afraid to ask him.

We were sitting at the table having lunch, and I was thinking about what would happen next.

"Yes, it is." He said.

"Would you...?"


"Would you want to... live here with me?"

"Yes! That is a great idea!"

"You can... sleep in my bed with me..."

"That sounds wonderful!" He shouted.

"You... like the idea?" I asked.

"Yes, of course! I will be happy to wake up to your beautiful face each morning!"

"I... like sleeping beside you, too."

"Then it is decided! I will live here with you!"

He seemed pretty happy about it. We would stay together, and I didn't have to be alone. Thank you, Kyojuro, for coming into my life.

"Senjuro will miss you." I said.

"I will always be happy to visit him. As much as you do. Tomorrow we will spend the day with Senjuro. Then return here, where we shall live together! It is a wonderful new start!"

"You're right." I said.

I stood up and moved around the table, then sat beside him. He pulled me in for a hug.

"How's your nose? It doesn't look so bad." I said.

"It's fine! There is nothing wrong with it!"

"I'm glad to hear it."

"Let's return to our training!" He shouted.

I stood up and held my hands out for his. He stood up, then grabbed my hand, walking beside me to the yard. Now our yard. Our house. I smiled as we went to the yard.

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