| Chapter Twenty-One | Love

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"Rika! I have something for you! A gift!" Kyojuro shouted from the bedroom.

I had just finished making dinner and wanted him to come eat first. We would see what he had for me after the meal.

"Kyo! Dinner is ready!" I called.

"First, come get your gift!"

I laughed. Kyojuro really insisted on whatever this gift was.

"Alright, I'm coming!"

Why was this gift so important that he was passing up food so he could give it to me first? I walked into the bedroom and Kyojuro stood with his arms behind his back.

"Kyo... What did you do?"

He stood there with a bright smile. He held one hand out when I walked towards him. I stopped and looked around the room.

"I thought of you after seeing this. And I hope it makes you think of me each time you wear it." He said.

"Wear? What is it? It's not another haori, is it? I love the one you already gave me."

"It's not a haori. Something for you to wear when you're not wearing your uniform."

He smiled as he pulled a box out from behind his back. He held it out to me and I looked at it. What was in the box? If he didn't get me a haori, it could only be...

"A kimono?" I asked.

"Take it! Look inside!" He said.

I held my hands out and gently took the box. Inside the box was the most beautiful faded pink kimono decorated with red flowers.

I gasped. I lifted it out of the box, and it draped down beautifully. The pink matched those of pale roses, and the red flowers were camellias.

"I hope you like it." He said.

"Kyo! I love it. This is going to be my new favorite. I love the camellias."

He smiled as I ran my fingers along it and. Such a soft silk. I gasped once again and looked up at Kyojuro, whose smile grew.

"Kyo! This is silk! This must have been expensive! You paid for my shiromuku already! Now this? Kyo!"

Kyojuro stepped forward and put his hands on my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Don't worry, my love. It pleases me to gift you with things. I have no struggle with money when I buy things for you. I am a Hashira after all. Please don't trouble youtself at all about the price of my gift."

I looked back at the kimono, and I couldn't help but smile. I hugged it close to me and stood on my toes and kissed Kyo.

"Thank you so very much, my Kyo. I really appreciate and love this kimono."

"Did you say dinner was ready?" He asked.

I laughed. "Yes, Kyo. Dinner is ready for you. Are you ready for dinner?"

"Yes. Dinner and I are ready for each other."

I hung my new kimono on the rack before I left the room. I would wear it soon. He and I left the room together and went to the dining room.

Kyojuro and I sat at the table and ate our dinner, and as usual, he announced how much he enjoyed it. I enjoyed watching him as he ate, the way he took each bite and savoured every bit.

"What's it like being a Hashira?" I asked.

"The answer to that varies from person to person."

"What's your answer?"

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